Say Hello to the new Speaker of the House

how clever
except hitler was really really conservative

Really? I didn’t know genocide was a concervative idea, thats screams conservatism, especialy since he was a total dictator…I always thaught the conservatives were all for smaller government. Just remember, Hitler said that if we get rid of public firearms we will all be safer…although…many liberals think the same way. I guess history doesn’t repeat itself afterall.


Oh wait thats right, places that ban public firearms have a drastic increase in violent crimes, rapes, and murders. :ham:

And miss speaker, you can now say hello to your first bitch slapping.,2933,229819,00.html

Hopefully your party also has more sense than to pick Hastings. They do that and I’d honestly have to say I was impressed.

Well when one puts their support behind John Murtha…

I’m going to have to agree with JayS on this one even though consider myself more a liberal.

This was a bad choice on part of the dems.

how about his views on pre-emptive war, personal privacy, civil liberties, etc.?

Well technically Hitler being a Dictator makes him more a conservative given that he is going against Lockean ideals that this country is founded on which are seen historically as liberal.

But don’t take this the wrong way, Hitler conservatism is not the same as Republican Conservatism.

But I do think the it bullshit to say there is more violent crimes, rape and murder where guns are not allowed. But I’m not saying that guns should be banned either.

Boom, shot down again.

I love Hastings quote at the end, "“Sorry, haters, God is not finished with me yet.”

Might as well have said, “Bitch, don’t hate the player, hate the bribery and corruption, thats just how I roll”.

“was acquitted of the criminal charges that resulted from the probe”

so what’s your point again?

And where do you get this shot down shit from? It’s negotiations within the party

You might want to copy and paste the entire quote from the article, then you might see my point.
"Hastings was acquitted of the charges, but a panel of federal judges later recommended that he be impeached, and the House obliged in 1988 by a vote of 413-3, the Herald reported. "

:lol: Sure it is. Just like her nomination of Murtha right?

Face it, you have a speaker who doesn’t represent the view of the majority of your party.