lol, the chassis was DONE. I just wanted my parts back.

dude, your engrish is so fuckin hard to understand LOL can you learn proper grammer??? PLZZZZZZZZZZ<33333 LOLOL

sounds like another future240 asshole! search the names of his friends on facebook then search for him. then post it on here. Sucks that this always happens to the ones with no money, lost my snowmobile in a similar situation! woohsau.

Same thing happened to me with my snowmobile, except I got lucky, my dad was the one who initially sold it for me, my dad let it got with a 100 down payment when I had it posted for 1200. Dood stopped replying to anything, phone went out of service, dad didnt wanna tell me and make me feel like garbage, so he gave me a grand out of his own pocket. Paid him back when he told me that 2 years later doe :stuck_out_tongue: And Cadence, I wish you luck. If you do find this loser though, I suggest a SON gang beat.