
does anyone have a scanner to look up codes on a car, my light went on again and i am not sure if anything is really wrong or not cause it always goes on then turns off for no reason, thats why i don’ want to pay 100 bucks for a scan if nothing is actually wrong, id rather buy one of you guys a case of beer to use yours

Nevermind… haha looks like the only way to check is with a scanner… With my car I can just do little finicky shit with my gas pedal to get the codes to blink up. It might work? Give it a go, it’s free if it works, and it’s 5 mins if it doesn’t.

Try under the 1993-2001 FAQ section saw something there about codes.

the problem is figuring out what code it is, i don’t know how to check it without the scanner, and i don’t have a v-board user

are the codes the same? i can copy them from thevboard 4 u.

Diff ECU… codes will be different.

word. then good luck.

damn, well does anyone know if i can do some kind of trick to get the cel to flash and tell me whats going on?

go to or w/e it is and ask them. they know more then i would but if u want u can try this.

try the pedal trick its worth a try, i know its only for 02+sentras and the ecu is diff but the method of getting the codes might be similar… codes will be diff but yah.

In car ECM Diagnostics/ECM Reset procedure:

  1. Sit in the driver’s seat.
  2. Turn the ignition key to the ON position and wait three seconds. (Do not start the car.)
  3. Fully depress and release the accelerator pedal five times in less than five seconds.
  4. Wait exactly seven seconds. Fully depress the accelerator pedal for ten seconds until the MIL (SES) light flashes.
  5. Release the accelerator pedal and start counting flashes to obtain the four-digit trouble code.

Long flashes (0.6 seconds) indicate the first digit of the code; count the blinks one through nine and write down the first digit. (Ten blinks indicates a zero.)
The next three digits follow in turn in the same fashion except with faster blinks (0.3 second) and a 1.0-second pause between digits.

The ECM code repeats intself until you turn the ignition key to the OFF position, at which point the ECM resets itself to standard get-in-and-drive-the-car mode.
You can look up the trouble codes in the ESM/FSM; there’s a bunch of them. In the ESM, refer to page EC-639.
Additionally, if you get four blinks of ten (0000), the ECM is indicating no malfunction.

You can clear the code (and the annoying MIL) by holding down the accelerator pedal for more than 10 seconds while in Diagnostic Test Mode II. When you release the pedal, the ECM erases the trouble code(s).

Does he have Fly by Wire? If not he’s just flooding his engine with gas.

ah, i just noticed that after reading it. hmm maby not so good advice.

No, Its cable so its flooded…

There is a ecu mode for code pulling… But if your not going to search forums for it then just get the code read and pay for it…