Clearing a check engine light

i went to advance auto and got my computer scanned. i got the secondary injection system code. i replaced a couple vacuum hose’s on my 99 jetta gl, and im hoping it can help get ride of the CEL. now comes the problem. i dont wanna pay just to have the codes on my computer cleared to see if the CEL will disappear. autozone and advance auto is not allowed to clear them. does anyone have that machine they use that would be able to scan my car and clear any codes that exist? im sick of looking at it. thanx

i’ve got all of the diagnostic software you will ever need for any OBD-2 Audi/VW.

I live in EA, if you wanna meet up somewhere or drive out here i’ll do it.

cool, ill let ya no

help him out. he’s a good buddy of mine.

Can’t you just disconnect the battery for awhile? That works on my car. Might be worth a shot.


if the problem is fixed the ECU will reset itself after about 350-500 miles of driving

yea dex just mentioned it to me too about the battery. ill give it a shot when i get home from work

Battery works, but you won’t know what the codes are exactly and it resets the ECU.

Easy solution though.

I have an OBD2 scanner at my disposal, if you need to use it… Its back in OP though…