Great, Seattle middle-schoolers are making shanks now
by Devin Coldewey on November 9, 2009
I just came across this story in the neighborhood newspaper. I can’t find it anywhere online. What is wrong with our seventh-graders that they are using their DIY skills to make shanks instead of putting together a cool fort or at least a more creative weapon? They couldn’t, I don’t know, modify Nerf arrows with metal caps so they hurt when they hit?
If they’ve got some violence in the system, as many kids do, they need to work it out. Most kids do that through video games these days, yet why do I get the feeling that somewhere in the Seattle school district tonight, somebody will be cursing the same games for making kids more violent?
Luckily, no one was hurt in this incident. The kids involved were expelled, but beyond that nothing is known. I think that going to an inner-city high school and being held up at gunpoint a couple times has made me a more well-rounded person all told, but I wouldn’t wish a shank on anyone.
It is just how the media works. You see a story on a shooting, then for the next month all you hear about is new shootings. Because it is what has people riled up at the moment. Then the media moves on to something different. The shootings still continue, we are just blissful to its existance. Same thing is happening now with the Shankings
Yeah wtf is with these little fucks. Honestly this world needs more seperation. Lower the age at which you can be put in fucking jail. I am not that big of a guy, but I went to go pick up my little sister at HS one day, and got face to face with a fucking punk ass that said some shit to her. I told the kid if he was 1-2 years older, I would throw down ASAP and straighten out his morals, but I have a house a job and a life something you wont get to have if you keep up your stupid ass childish ways. Luckly he back down and got yanked away by a friend, or I would have gotten STOMPED. this 16-17 year old kid was BIG! Now I am not saying I am a pussy, (but I know you will lol) but a VOTVOT showed, and i gave example to… age doesnt mean you cant kill or srsly fuck someone up.
Going through school, I cant tell you how many times I say kids do some illegal stupid shit becaseu they know they could get away with it. Looking back, i am glad I saw it and didnt partake, becaseu they either didnt graduate, go to college and still dont have jobs and live with mom and dad. So I just see them 10 years later and fucking lol in their face.
Back to the seperation idea too. Take the kids that want to, and show that they can lear and give them the best oppertunity they can get. a higher % will succede and make something of themselves and better this country. How many stories do you hear about 4.0 students with scolarships getting killed by some scumbag’s bright idea to shoot up a school or start a fight for no reason? Split them up. Get the little pieces of shit away from them. Make simple rules, you break them you go. Your parents can complane all they want, but if you look at them you will prolly see where the little kid gets their attitude from.