School Shooting in CT

I don’t know if I want kids, but if I have them I will understand that;

There are pedophiles, kidnappers, killers, drunk drivers and kids their own age that might take them out. Just be the best person you can be to them, protect them with your life and teach them to be the same and act the same towards others. That’s it. Banning assault rifles isn’t going to change that.

As of 2009-2010 There were ~140,000 schools (elementary through college). (SOURCE)

There are 16,500,000 high schoolers in America. That represents 1/3rd of the school grades. 16,500,000 x 3 = 49.5 million. The percentage is more miniscule if you included every college in the US.

My point was’t that I want an armed guard. The point was locking the door and sticking an unarmed chick behind a glass door in response to a shooting in another state where a well armed insane person shot his way into a school is just a retarded waste of time and resources for the sake of pretending you’re doing something about security.

Sweet. Lets add some accuracy. 98817 public schools + 33366 private schools + 4495 degree granting colleges = 136678 schools in the US. (I excluded the non-degree granting institutions. There’s no glory in shooting up a trade school so it doesn’t happen.)

From 2003 to 2012 there were 69 school shootings. Source Almost none of which were mass shootings, some didn’t even have fatalities, but we’ll use this number anways rather than trying to categorize the shootings. 69 times in the last 10 years someone in a school pulled the trigger of a gun.

69/10 = 6.9 shootings/year. 6.9/136678 = .00005 shootings/school/year.

If your kid goes to K-12 + a bachelors degree = 17 years in school.

.00005 * 17 = .00086% chance of any given student being at a school that has a shooting of any kind in their lifetime.

Now you just need a way to work in the effectiveness of an assault weapons ban since rifle deaths in the US in 2011 was 3XX

School children will be much safer

perhaps the anti-gun folks should take a page from the auto industry. highlight guns like the AR-15 as “hallow weapons” that despite their relative rarity and lack of participation in most crimes create a general sense of allure and assualt-iness to all other guns out there…

I’ve tried. Gun control statistics are nearly impossible to find any meaning in. Too many confounding variables. There does seem to be a pretty decent correlation between the stock market and the rates of violent crime. It’s almost like if the economy is doing well and people can make a living then they have better things to do than kill each other. But that’s crazy talk.

---------- Post added at 11:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 AM ----------

The fuck did you just say?

Trolling anti gun people is hilarious

“All guns do is kill people”

“Weird didn’t the olympics feature shooting as a sport”

Then they have a melt down and back pedal

You’re lucky my mother isn’t on this board. She’s a 50-something upper-middle class woman with a facebook account. Don’t try to use logic with her, no sir ree. Fabricated stories about heroism are the only things on her wall.

lol that’s pretty typical. We’re emotional creatures. :shrug:

There’s always the argument for people that use them as tools or to protect their livelihood, such as farmers.

Yeah, you would have lost most people at the second 5-digit number…

I find that most people are immune to data.

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If it’s in the form of a pixilated inspirational picture…it’s gotta be true.

This makes me laugh. This probably would have taken me a week to figure out. The fact that you probably just whipped this up in a matter of minutes annnnnnd your probably at work makes it even better.

Funny, I don’t remember anyone crying when guns killed Bin Laden just a little while back. or any of his henchmen for that matter. Guess guns are OK when they work for the good, and not so for the bad. Maybe we should arm our Navy Seals and Special Forces personnel with whiffle bats and silly string on their next mission. I want to see how this next round of legislation goes and what effect it has on these types of events. We all know the answer already but I want to have someone show the numbers to the anti-gunners after it all plays out and see what they say then.

I wonder why you never heard people complaining about the military having guns? that’s so strange, I wonder why not???

IF i was not allowed to be armed you better bet that I would be complaining about the military having guns. To which I would probably be executed for dissent against the all knowing government.

Armed population = Citizens
Unarmed population = Subjects