School Shooting in CT

Most religious people, anyway.

Don’t you think .00086% is just too great? We should close all the schools, clearly if there were no schools there would not no more children shot at schools…

Someone run some numbers on this, but I will bet $5 that you are more likely to die in a car accident in a 17 year period then be involved in a school shooting.

IF pigs could fly… and so on. Bottom line is trying to make some analogy involving people saying the military should not have guns is the most insane thing I’ve read on since the shootings. nobody is saying that, the argument is invalid.

people saying PEOPLE should not have guns is the most insane thing I’ve read on since the shootings. JACKASS LIBERALS ARE saying that, the argument is invalid.

I agree that the military analogy is not correct, but gun laws are not a solution to this problem.

What percentage of school shooters were on meds? It is probably close to 100%. There are tons of kids with problems but the shooters seem to have more problems from the drugs. When the side effects of anti-depressants are suicidal thoughts, etc, you have got to wonder. just sayin.

Edit: Or if you stop taking the drugs they make you want to kill.

There are more gun rights activists saying “liberals” want to ban guns than “actual liberals” who want to ban them

I’m a moderate, I don’t want to ban guns. But do think it’s utterly insane that in the majority of states a private person can sell a gun to anybody with a handshake and no paperwork.

James Alan Fox has a couple of pretty good blog posts on the issue. He’s widely considered to be the nations premier expert when it comes to mass shootings.

I think that it’s a good read regardless of which side of the gun control debate that you’re on.

---------- Post added at 04:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 PM ----------

I think part of the issue is that for many, the second they hear “Gun Control” they assume it means someone is gonna come take their guns away.

I think there are plenty of ways that we could implement reasonable gun control laws, that would have no real affect on the average, reasonable, and responsible gun owner.

Ok, sorry. I have been jaded by some of the people on my facebook. I am along the same line of thought as you are I guess.

“Mass killers do not just snap and seize whatever weapons of destruction are handy. They are deliberate and determined; they will find the means despite the impediments placed in their path.” - James Alan Fox

Not this time… this time the kid with asperger’s syndrome was probably angry his mom wouldn’t let him play nintendo or something trivial and went nuts as is typical. He lacks the ability to plan something out in detail I would suspect.

Getting the kid help is a great idea… A better idea is no give him access to guns.

Just heard on 107.7 (not saying this is 100% true as they fucked up info. on this from the start) the motive behind this was that his mother was planning on having him committed. Shocker. Maybe in the future you don’t mention that to the “committee” before you actually commit them.

Wow. Just, wow. You’ve got lots of experience with autism spectrum disorders don’t ya? (Hint: They’re typically really smart. Edit: I should correct myself. There’s really no correlation between ASD and intelligence. Either way it’s not valid to say that an ASD would make someone less capable of planning and carrying out a crime, unless it involved some sort of infiltration and assimilation CIA type work. Yuk yuk.)

I’ll grant you he shouldn’t have had easy access to his mom’s guns, but did he?

Chances of this story being true or even partially true… slim.

Welp, I guess she won’t make that mistake again.

I’m glad someone else addressed that.

He reportedly attempted to buy a rifle a few days before the shooting. It certainly seems as though he was possibly planning something.

also let’s all remember this wasn’t some “kid”…he was 20 years old…

you don’t need to be an expect to get the basics. yeah, the are typically very smart, but not the planning kind, more like the problem solve / memorization type. also very impulsive.

Not at all. I have two autistic cousins and their IQ is of the charts. They are not at all personable but they are beyond smart. One of them is an eagle scout and that took a ton of planning and work on his part to achieve. The hardest part of it was going on camping trips with other scouts away from his family and comfort zone. I will give you the impulsive part… One of them once took apart the water heater in the basement to see how it worked. He did not turn off the water.

Why not just title guns like cars? I’d be cool with that. I’ll pay a $25 title fee and if I sell it to someone then they have to retitle it.

I guess a state could do that but I would not want to see the Feds try that.

saw people on FB suggest that teachers should be able to carry guns or put police officers in every school… yikes…