School Shooting in CT

I’ve heard many suggest this.

Yeah I’m gonna say right now, I’d never bring a gun to my classroom.

That is fair, but who is to say that they will go and retitle it. I think that a gun tracking system is completely fair, but it will still not do anything for preventing crime. If I want to go and maliciously murder someone, I am not going to take my registered gun to do it, I am going to buy a black market gun or come break into your house and steal yours.

Oh I totally agree, I’m just saying to settle the sheeple scared of guns.

Untrained teachers with guns - No way. It may help prevent the random school shooting that is already a statistical improbability, but it is a bad idea. Think distracted teacher when Johnny is mad that Timmy tripped him, Johnny quickly steals said gun, dead Timmy.

Armed Police in all schools - No. First I do not want to pay that extra expense when our schools need every penny they can get already. Second, that is a good first step to a police state.

When I was teaching I would have LOVED to pistol whip a few students…

require all newly manufactured guns to have RFID in them with some stuff that makes it easier to track or something blah blah blah

not being totally serious here.

More tracking probably wouldn’t do much good. Probably wouldn’t do much harm either. :shrug: What’s the worst that could happen? “Hey you didn’t fill out your paperwork!” “Fuck your paperwork I’ve got a gun!”

Maybe have ELFs in schools. No not Santa’s elves. Lol. Extra Low Frequency weapons that will stop anyone in their tracks. Technology is HUGE in our everyday lives in America lets use it for our safety!!! There are tons of other technologies that could be used as well.
Just keep in mind even this kind of crime will be pushed to somewhere else.

Ok, so arm the schools. They will move on to churches. Arm the churches, they will move on to grocery stores. Arm the grocery stores, they will move on to big box stores. Wash, rinse, repeat.

There’s never going to be a way to stop crazy fucks from taking out hordes of people. Sure it’s a tragedy and life isn’t fair, but you can’t police and protect every single citizen at every single moment in time.

“Anonymous also claimed to have changed Westboro spokeswoman Shirley Phelps-Roper’s PC desktop wallpaper to gay porn, and filed a death certificate in her name, which would prevent her from using her social security number.”

this is hilarious LOL

I see no problem here?


A. Mandatory annual firearm qualification course
B. Either conceal carry or locked in gun safe while on school grounds
C. I don’t buy into this shit either but figure I would add my 2¢

Pepper spray would be a no brainer that could save a life or two.

Pepper spray inside?

With my limited experiences with this it doesn’t end well lol

See pepper spray I can get behind. It may not feel good for anyone involved but it may help people to get out of harms way alive.

Gas masks don’t stop bullets.


---------- Post added at 08:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 AM ----------

Am I a terrible person for getting annoyed at all the people with no stake in the Newtown shooting, who lost nothing, effectively grieving? It’s like they’re enjoying all the self pity with none of the actual loss. It’s not like they’re stealing anything from the people who actually lost their children, but I can’t help but feel like they are. Or maybe I’m just trying to get attention for complaining about people who are getting attention for mourning for people they never knew.

Maybe we all just suck?

We all just suck!

What happened there is really sad man, and I don’t blame anyone for grieving along side the Newtown folks. Sure some people take it too far, but other than some stray facebookers I think that most people are reacting as I would expect.

Seriously, 20 small children were brutally murdered in broad daylight. That’s an unthinkable act and I think it’s reasonable to feel sadness when something like that happens.