School Shooting in CT

Tom you’re probably right. Another cup of coffee and I’ll be less cynical. :tup:

It’s a white people thing…

Some kid in the hood catches a stray bullet and nobody mentions it.

US blows up some village and kills 20-30 small children no big deal its over there.

It’s a shame the way the news latches on to certain stories that they think impact the largest majority of viewers.

absolutely fair point

As previously pointed out, 30-40 homicides occur everyday in the US. So whether they’re all in 1 place, or spread across our country, there are a lot of people out there killing one another.

You mean like one weekend where 30 people die in a few block radius in Chicago?

Oh wait not a middle class issue :lol:

I also don’t seem to see anywhere near the mentions for 18 year olds and whoever else getting killed in US wars overseas…Something that impacts a lot more peoples lifes then this.

I have friends who died and others who lost both their legs none of them got national news coverage.

You know, I am as guilty as anyone in terms of only caring about the stuff that national news is reporting. However, I have to say, that how else am I supposed to hear about this stuff? I cannot possibly listen in on every local news report to see what’s going on around the country. I don’t have all day to sit around and catch up on the happenings all around the country. I really do wish that there was better national news coverage.

It’s an expectations thing. People expect gun deaths in shitty areas, which is why random shootings on Buffalo’s east side barely make the news anymore. Add in that those shot are almost never really “innocent” since it’s gang or drug related and law abiding citizens just dismiss it. When that innocent young black girl died in a driveby simply because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time there was plenty of public uproar and unlike most Buffalo shootings people actually came forward and an arrest was made.

Bottom line, I don’t fault people for caring more when innocent kids are shot in school than when gang bangers shoot other gang bangers in shitty neighborhoods.

I guess that and I’ve never lived in the ghetto and I’ve never fought in a war. I have gone to a primarily white middle class elementary school so I can relate to and understand one shooting more than another. Doesn’t make it right, but it’s fairly natural.

I guess my bitching is the way politics and news are spinning/playing this out.

Personally im not for gun control however I would use Chicago and other examples for a reason to highly restrict hand guns.

446 school age kids (18 and under) have been shot and 62 murdered in Chicago this year. They have the strictest gun laws in the nation.

Clearly it’s working :facepalm:

I am stealing that too. :slight_smile:

Got a source? Not that I doubt it, but if I’m going to pass it along I like to quote a source other than “some guy on nyspeed”.

EDIT… Nevermind:

EDIT@… Hmm, that site points to a blog post where people are also asking for a source.

The only problem with stats like that, is that the majority of the guns used in crimes there(and in NYC) come from illegal sales or from states/regions with lax gun laws.

There seems to be this odd expectation that criminals will follow the law.

the “gun show loophole” is responsible for this. close it and you can sell guns across states lines because all states will have a background check. we need that minimum bar.

You act like you’re an expert or you’ve purchased firearms at one before. If I had to guess I’d say you probably have never been to one.

It’s pretty much just a gigantic tally from all of the news articles that have come out this year in Chicago’s media.

How is that a problem? It proves the point that gun control doesn’t do shit not that the 94 AWB didn’t already prove that.

This debate is like the democrats arguing with the republicans, nothing is really going to get done.

This country is so divided on everything.

Most of the guns used in inner city crimes wouldn’t have been affected by the AWB anyway.

I don’t think that it’s proof that gun control doesn’t work. I think if it proves anything, it’s that lax enforcement, and inconsistent laws across state lines limit the effectiveness of regional and municipal gun control laws.

this is very telling since you should know that the loophole really has little to do with being at a gun show and is about private sales with no checks and no paper trail.

Another interesting commentary, on the limited effectiveness of gun free zones and the federal AWB, and the seeming correlation with the decrease in mental health funding and the increase in random mass shootings.

“Back in the mid-1960s, in most states, an adult could walk into a store and buy an AR-15 rifle, no questions asked. Today, firearms are the most heavily regulated consumer product in the United States. If someone wants to purchase an AR-15 or any other firearm, the store must first get permission for the sale from the FBI or its state counterpart. Permission is denied if the buyer is in one of nine categories of “prohibited persons,” including felons, domestic-violence misdemeanants, and persons who have been adjudicated mentally ill or alcoholic.”

So it would seem during the 1960s there should have been mass shooting every day…

Fingers crossed :D…