School Shooting in CT

Sparta and Athens.


isn’t that kinda what we did with England? Why would we split again?

Same here, but don’t expect Buffalo to go with the south if it ever does happen.

If the US gets a divorce I’m going to live with “cool dad” in TX instead of “nanny state mom” in NY.

I wonder what would happen if our gun laws weren’t retarded. Right now they say:

  1. You are subject to a background check, but only if you buy a gun from a store.
  2. Your gun can’t look mean.
  3. You can only shoot 10-30 times before reloading.

I don’t think gun control laws would work regardless of how they are written, but the way they are now certainly do nothing but pacify the most special of the anti-gun crowd.

---------- Post added at 11:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 AM ----------

I think I’d stay with strict, rich, professional mom rather than go live in alcoholic dad’s trailer.

On a related note, I kind of can’t wait for the school funding crisis in Texas to reach it’s apex.

Sounds a whole lot better than NY’s “just raise taxes again” answer to our gigantic budget deficit.

Because we are getting to be too much like England. :slight_smile:

Are they seriously trying to compare the highest gun ownership country against one of the lowest to tell if gun laws work?

With lesser gun laws in the past, how did we not have more shootings? Maybe there is an outside source, like our culture changing?

In Japan, you cannot buy a handgun, much less an assault rifle. In fact, even off-duty police officers are banned from carrying guns.

You can buy a shotgun or an air rifle, but it is not easy:

  • First, you have to take a class and a written exam.
  • Then there’s a skill test at a shooting range
  • Next is a drug test
  • Then a mental evaluation.
  • Assuming you pass all those tests, you file with the police, who then run a background check.

No wonder Japan has one of the lowest gun ownership rates in the world.

But does it work?

In 2008, the U.S. had 12,000 gun-related murders. Japan had 11. More than double that number were killed in the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut.

NY is one of the 6 the requires more:

the rest need to catch up, thus we need to close the loophole. nobody should be buying a gun without at least as NICS check.

How did this loophole allow what happened in CT?

If I kill you and take your gun do I need to get a background check first???


That’s hilarious.

You missed the point… big surprise. :wink:

Yeah why did god kill all those kids…oh wait he only gets credit for the good stuff. n/m

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Wonder if Ben was right.

I’m 100% atheist but even I can admit the removal of god from society as a whole is at least partially to blame. The teaching of the church acted as a safety net for shitty parents who weren’t capable of teaching their children morals and basic right from wrong. [putsOnFlameSuit]

I agree, and have been saying that for a long time.

Let me add, that only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.

letter to the Abbés Chalut and Arnaud (April 17, 1787)

Another one from Ben…