School Shooting in CT

Trust me, I would love to do something to prevent this from ever happening again. How can any law address a nutjob willing to shoot at kids? Enacting more laws will only affect the people that will obey them. Sadly, there are so many people in this country that are crazy, and have no value for life. Passing another law won’t save any lives. There are already too many guns out there, and any law won’t stop a criminal from finding a way.

You can pass whatever “gun control” laws you want, but people are still going to go nuts and kill others.

It really sickens me that this entire thing has turned into gun control, while it seems like no one even cares about the kids that were murdered.

and people are going to speed so why have speed limits. people will always drive drunk so why have DUI laws… and so on.

Looks a lot like an “assault style” squirt gun with a high capacity mag to me. Even has the finger on the trigger when not prepared to fire. Looks like the commander in chief needs to sign up for some NRA safety classes. I don’t even keep my finger on the trigger of my tools when I’m carrying them.

I’d rather people have to go to gun class to get a gun than optionally choose to join the NRA and take a class. But you’d need registration and permits to track any of this and that’s all crazy talk.

ok, for this example…

owning a gun = owning a beer. Perfectly legal

shooting a gun = drinking a beer. Perfectly legal, as long as the right variables are met.

shooting a gun at people = dwi. Not legal.

This is the entire thing 99.999% of gun owners are responsible and follow the law.

Shooting sports, classes, hunting, etc

You’re suggesting rules to control people who already break the law lol

99% and we have 10,000 gun murders a year in the USA. OK.

and everybody is a not a criminal until the break the law… love your logic there.


Every person looking to get a gun should have to go through some mental evaluation. Also should take the time it takes a handgun to get a rifle. A 30 minute background check is not enough. But they should not fully ban semi rifles

300 million firearms in the US

10,000 guns used in murders



Or 52 million gun owners in the US

10,000 guns used in murders


As a pistol permit holder I took a mandatory safety class required before even being able to submit my permit application. It was very well worth the cost and time spent. I believe anyone who even picks up any type of firearm should have basic safety training. Our family was by no means “gun nuts” but the safety aspect was ingrained by my father well before I was old enough to purchase or use guns on my own. I’ve been to some summer events held by my relatives over the years and that safety mindset was always there. If I saw anyone who obviously didn’t know too much about firearms and safe use, I stopped and took it upon myself to educate them, and they appreciated it. If you want to learn to hunt, target shoot, whatever, learn how to safely use the tools. If your going to drive a car, motorcycle, etc., take safety courses and learn how to use the tools safely.

The fears people have with gun registration is simply that it is a way for someone who may decide it’s time for you to give up something a way to find where that thing is and how many of them there are. I understand background checks and there’s no doubt they are not 100% effective. I don’t think any system or plan could be. Many see it as a violation of the privacy and infringement on their freedoms and wonder where it will end and how far someone life can be monitored before “big brother” is satisfied.

LZ those numbers are really very bad. Just because you happen to be in America the odds you will be shot by a gun should not be that high.

that’s making playing the lottery look good.

How do those numbers look bad?

I’d rather ban alcohol, it’s involved with about 70,000 deaths a year.

You’re more likely to die falling out of bed then being shot by a rifle in the US :lol:

You’re wayyy more likely to be killing by someone texting and driving or drinking.

A lot of those deaths are gang members/drug dealers and other bs hardened criminals who won’t be following the law and are already breaking it.


The likely hood any one of you, your friends or your family would be involved in a mass shooting like this is practically none existent the chances of being involved in a DWI death/texting is a way more serious threat to your way of life.

I’m surprised none of you started a thread saying US drone strikes wiped out 200+ kids in the past few years since everyone suddenly cares about all people :lol:

LZ missed a decimal point, it’s .00003

I’m surprised to be having this debate with you.

You’re heavily involved with pitbull rescues weird that everyone blames owners and not the dogs.

How is this any different?

Someone says pitbulls kill people

Rescues/etc pull out stats saying “well other breads do XXXX”

Someone posts a news article saying small child killed

People post pics of pitbulls with small children

So now I register my dogs, having them trained, I do work in the community for pitbull awareness.

Does this change the fact some hood rat with pitbull used for fighting might kill someone?

serious question. was the mother obeying all gun laws? my understanding is that she was… roughly speaking

if the laws required more thorough processes for purchase, registration, storage (locking triggers, ammo separate, locked in a gun safe etc. like in Ontario) and she still followed them as a good gun owner, which we may both be agreeing that she was… then would it have made it more difficult to carry out the massacre?

and then if transportation of them, concealed carry permits and various other ancillary legislation were meant to impede casual / cavalier use (read: serious gun people will be a little inconvenienced but would still have basically the same rights they do now) do you think that fewer people would own more than just a hand gun or two for self defence and a hunting rifle or two?

In other words, you still have all the same rights but are more accountable for your guns; encouraging the kind of seriousness of ownership that police or military people employ.

gun control and having a reducing impact on massacres carried out with guns that kill children are exactly the same issue. maybe it isn’t about the kids in Newton but it is certainly about the kids in the next city that get killed because nothing changed.

He’s English.

I would LOVE for there to be required classes and special registration to own a pitbull

would fix so much! that’s a serious dream of mine.

Right but this won’t stop people from having vicious dogs and raising them incorrectly.

All this does is make great owners better owners.

Does nothing for shitty owners