School Shooting in CT

kid is flipping out on his FB page saying it wasn’t him. Scroll to bottom

Aye, news in the U.S. can basically be summed up as “fuck everywhere else, only the shit that’s happening to us matters”.

Weird same name and from NJ like previously mentioned and ties to CT

I’m probably going to get bashed/flamed for saying this…but I really think it is due to the way society has evelved as a whole. 50yrs ago, if you were a POS, you got the crap kicked out of you. If you were out of line, you’d get punched in the face. And this was widely accepted. People had more of a moral code than we have now. In school, if you were being a brat the teacher would discipline you. If you sucked in gym class, you got an F. YOU USED TO BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS!

these days, you get graded on attendance in gym class…a pass or fail only. Teachers have zero authority over their students, principals can really only “punish” them by “forcing” them to stay home from school for a few days (vacation!). If you piss someone off and they retaliate in a physical way, you can sue them for everything they are worth and ruin their life (after you were the one being an @$shole in the first place).

We have evolved from a society of owning up for your own mistakes and taking accountability for your own success(or lack thereof) to a society of pointing the finger, blaming someone else, passing the buck, etc. It’s really a damn shame. The worst part is that it seems like people that do this sort of thing are doing it to “be remembered”, “teach people/society a lesson”, or some twisted dream of “fame” to feel accomplished in some screwed up version of reality in their brain.


for the record…I fully would expect to get a punch in the face if I’m being a cunt to someone.

American has its own issues with guns China needs to ban people from owning knifes


You mean to tell me that in developed first world countries, on a per capita basis, this happens ANYWHERE more than the USA??? Get real, theres something in the american males’ emotional unevolved minds that removes the sensor that stops us from doing “dirty harryesque” things. There have been NUMEROUS psychological studies on the phenomenon.

Lmao seriously???

I bet ive been to, seen, studied and experienced more developed nations than this entrire thread combined. Theres violence all over the world, but Asia and Europe arent even close to where we are.

You can give me the gun control argument but its something deeper than that.

Europe should probably be thankful a bunch of Americans have had guns :lol:

---------- Post added at 03:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 PM ----------

What kind of violence are we talking about?

I assume this is mostly around white suburban people killing random people?

Are we talking about minorities killing each other in shitty areas?

If you want an accurate comparison of things find a country the same population size as the US with a similar style government.

Granted im throwing per capita around, does it really matter, a death is a death. If Winston shoots up his middle school or a hood mofugga kills a homie, or Billy Bob kills a homie, or Billy bob kills Betty Sue, a dead person is a dead person is a dead person right? The demographic is unimportant (except for white people who really only care when it happens in suburbia), why are we so insensitive to murder is what im asking? Serial killing is no exception either… we blow the world out of the water on that one too… were simply more insensitive to mortality than most everywhere else.

---------- Post added at 03:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:33 PM ----------

I guess if your simple answer is minorities up our average then ill be quiet on the total number, but were still infamous for mass murders and im still sure nobody comes close to us in that respect.


Well if funny white people only care when these random mass shooting happen and then you get a bunch of gun control freaks.

Now take Chicago all kinds of violence in the city and they’re looking to relax gun laws for personal protection. :lol:

I don’t argue that the US has some weird mental health issues that are not getting handled.

Were you just watching some Bill Burr material? In any event, I basically agree…


Start buying your evil black guns now people. Obama has already made comments today regarding.his wish to impose an AWB before leaving office. This is aperfect political tool to get that done. You dont support it? You must like dead children.

I’m still waiting to hear what weapons were used during this tragedy.

edit: didnt see they were already reported

According to a law enforcement source, the third weapon found on the scene was a .223 Bushmaster. The other weapons, previously reported, are a Glock, and a Sig-Sauer. No word on the models of Glock or Sig-Sauer.

I bet the 223 Bushmaster will be the most controversial

You realize NYS still pretty much follows the assault weapons ban :lol:

Ryan Lanza… facebook the guy, some real chachski stuff going on.

we’re fucked as a country in EVERY way… we’re getting to the point where everyone is going to fear their next door neighbor and you won’t be able to go anywhere without some sort of police presence…be it a metal detector, body scanner, security checkpoint, etc.

We are going to destroy everything this country stood for thanks to FEAR. Ironically, that’s what the whole point of the 9-11 attack…initially as a nation it was thought that it didn’t work as they planned…here we are over 10yrs later, and I may now beg to differ.

We already have REDICULOUS security in place for airports and other major transit hubs, all government buildings large and small, and now we’re probably going to begin legislation to retrofit EVERY school or educational facility in the country with metal detectors and police/guard presence for “safety”…whats next? your front door doubles as a security device where you can’t leave your house with anything metallic or possible to use as a weapon?

We’re approaching the problem all wrong. It’s a bandaid on a wound instead of a treatment for the infection.

The real problem is, everytime something like this happens and the media blows it up and plasters the shooter’s name all over the news…he becomes a houshold name, infamous…and some other twisted ass individual is sitting in his basement bedroom while his fucked up parents are upstairs arguing and beating each other…thinking to himself “wow, this guys famous…what a great idea…I bet I could pull off something way bigger than this…hmmmm google [how to build a pipe-bomb video]…wow! that looks easy…”

Terrorism is an entirely different situation

His facebook page was taken down, because he is obviously not the shooter, since he is alive and posting statuses. The latest I’ve seen is that the real shooter is potentially his brother Adam Ryan Lanza, 20.

no I agree with you, but it’s definitely still fuel on the fire for wider security precuations. We’re practicly afraid of our own shadow nowadays. There’s a reason people like this are becoming more widespread…we just don’t know what it is yet.

The majority of americans don’t understand bad things happen all over the world.

People in other countries have a higher exposure to terrorist risk and still manage to not mass murder people.

The new model of airport security hasn’t stopped any terrorists as of yet hell armoring the cockpit door on planes mitigated all of the risk from a similar 9/11 attack.