u should re read that post & take the same advice son!

After careful consideration, I’ve decided to ignore both fshowcars and beat90tsi. I mean, yeah, I know, I don’t have money or children at this point, and although it made me infinitely happy to come very close to having children (long story, and messed me up for a while), really, I was just trying to make light of a very bleak subject.

As for the Second Amendment, as a gun owner, I feel that even if guns were outlawed, not only would the criminal element still have them (as per Singapore, Great Britain, etc.) but we would lose one of our essential freedoms as Americans. Political discussion aside, it is one of the things that makes America great. We have the freedom to do things that many other countries outlaw.

And by the way, thank you for latching onto a smart-ass comment, and ignoring the actual thread-related content. Don’t you have some chatrooms to go flame, kids?

Read “dam ur a fucktard” again? I’m sorry, but reading your posts seems to make me dumber. I’m going to have to look into that ignore function.

Also, why don’t you spell words correctly? Its only a few extra key-strokes.

I know you’re old, but I’m not your son, jack.


I always like threads like these cause they always get side tracked from the actual subject.

I do feel that there should be armed guards at schools. It could help save lives because kids would think twice about bringing a gun to school.

keep ignoring me if you wish… no matter how you attempt to justify anything, unfounded and baseless comments hold no weight. “kids” is exactly what came to my mind…

spelling is overated

The might not think twice (if they had thought about it at all!), but at least they’d get their head blown off when they do decide to ignore reality and tote a boomstick into the front door.