Wow, such a sad story. B/C of a grudge held for over 20 years? I watched the news briefing, this dude was ready for full on warfare.

Springfield Armory .9mm
Browning 12 guage shot gun
Reuger bold action .30-06
range bag w/ over 600 rounds in it
2 cans synthetic black powder
Stun gun
2 knives
5 gal bucket w/ change of clothes and toilet paper and tools which included: hammer, hack saw, wire and clear tape.

2x4’s and 2x6’s that some had eye bolts in.

he was ready to hunker down and fight to the death. Such a sad story.

“This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!” -Adolf Hitler,1935
Everybody knows what happened a few years later.

I don’t need guns to make me feel like a man. I do need them so when someone tries to break into my house or car and harm me or my family it won’t be as easy as walking into a unarmed school and shooting innocent people. It’s called the 2nd ammendment and without it there would’nt be any others.


Ya and it’s called welfare, you see where this got us.

We should go around to everyone who HAS registered guns, who have their addresses and shit on file, and take their weapons away (it would be easy, I mean, everything is on file, just go down the list.) Then hope and pray that the people who get their guns out of the trunks of cars and in dark alleys and wherever, who we have no way of finding, no way of tracking, suddenly have a change of heart and turn their illegal weapons, and the people selling them, in to police.

I’m willing to bet they would NOT turn in their weapons. Then they can pick and choose, knowing that 99.9% of the houses are not protected and people have no way of defending themselves. :sadwavey:

That being said, my thoughts and prayers are with the victims families and the family of the gunman.

I would rather have money than children.

In all honesty though, this was really fucked up. Did the press release a reason why this guy did all this yet? They said earlier that he had had “issues with younger females” and released all the male hostages.

children > money


How can an american citizen want guns taken away? That is one of the main points in the constitution.

And “liberals” who take tax money to benefit all seems a little to USSR for me. A few years ago I felt like this, but the older I get the more I just want the geverment to leave us the fuck alone.

without having either why try to make that judgement?

:rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl:

Fortunately, that’s a choice you are free to make in this country. You’re also free to drive a gay VW. We still enjoy many freedoms in this country…at least for now…

it’s worse… he bought a fiero and is getting classic plates for it :kekegay:

It exists, and it’s called Great Britain.

They still allow some long guns for hunting, and although it’s a pain, people can have them. That’s the only thing keeping the criminals from running the country.

dam ur a fucktard!u should of been shot in the coal bucket!

I would call you some names in return, but that post says enough about your intellectual ability. I don’t think anyone needs me to point out the obvious.

Come back when you’ve overcome your e-rage and you are ready to have an intelligent discussion.