scort vs. some crazy grandma

i was driving down 885 the other day near west mifflin and some old lady in a brand new turbo audi sedan pulls next to me,i start to go from the redlight just drinking normal and this crazy old bitch looks at me and my friend and takes off like a damn bat outa hell, we just sat there laughin, none the less i wasnt even going to try lol, the scort only likes to race crazy grandmas in 3cylinder metros

when i said just drinking normal i meant driving normal, lol sorry this is what happens when you start drinking too much, anyways im going to leave it there cuz it sounds funny




edit it is ur freind!!! :wtcslap:


was it silver? my boss and his old lady just both bought identical audi’s (other than color) for the hell of it. She doesnt seem like the type to do something like… I guess we’ll never know.

it was green