sea foam

this stuff is great! i noticed i had all kinds of buildup in my intake manifold so i bought this and ran it through. cleaned almost all of it out, you shouldve seen the smoke. im gonna run it through again one of these days.

the difference between before and after?

well my car definitely idles better, and the acceleration is a lot smoother, and believe it or not, my car actually sounds different since ive done this. i reccomend using it! good shit :blue:

i used it in my C4 when i first bought it and it made a big difference.

how good is that stuff in the long run?

eh, they say use it every oil change i think on the bottle. i use 1/3 of it in the intake and then the other 1/3 into the crankcase. then i have 1/3 left. i do remember readin an article on team-integra saying dont put too much in other wise you run the risk of hydrolocking the motor.

i heard that stuff is good.u gotta watch tho putting it in the crank case i heard that it cleans so good it might start causin leaks

funny, i used Seafoam on the Maxima yesterday. 1/2 bottle into the brake booster vac line, 1/2 into the crankcase, and a full bottle into the gas tank. It did spew smoke like a mothefucker and it did seem to eliminate the hard starting I was having, but I cant really say that it idles any quitier or smoother or anything like that. So it did help, but not in the miraculous way people ususally describe.

maybe it needs a 2nd go thru? i dunno, i know some people say if its real dirty they do the whole thing twice

im thinking about it. Im sure 130K worth of carbon wont come out in one shot. I also want to pull the intake off and clean out the TB as it seems to accumulate a lot of shit on Maximas.

I’m thinking my Sentra needs some. Has about 115K on it. I’ve kinda neglected keeping up on the car since I moved to Oklahoma where there is no inspections. Where can I buy this stuff at? Haven’t really looked for it.

advanced has it for like $6 i think