Do you know anything about Sean Taylor’s history? Answer…obviously not. Do people randomly drive around and fire rounds into limos…no! You sir should actually read and learn facts before trying miserably to attack someone’s opinion. I also did not wish death on PacMan Jones, Im just surprised no one has attempted to kill him.
Seems to me that you dont know anything about sean taylor if you did you would know he isnt " a ghetto thug" he was the son of a police chief but i bet you already knew that since you got your college education.
Again you make a statement that is false people do shoot into limos its called jealousy but i guess since you are such a wonderful human being you have never felt something like that, or perhaps you just dont understand the human brain(didnt you take psych 101 i mean you did get your college education right?) Anywho its too bad people like you have to be that guy but i guess it will all come full circle right?
I obviously wasnt trying miserably to attack your opinion it seems to have worked but thanks for making me feel special. I’m surprised no one has tried to kill you since you are such a heartless cocksucker. But remember im not wishing death on you im just surprised.
Regardless of you being a douchenozzle:gtfo:
R.I.P Sean Taylor