Seasonal Affective Disorder?

How does one de-stress? Ha.

Go to a doctor. Could be anything from a thyroid problem to sleep apnea to depression to who knows what else. Don’t worry about them shoving anti-depressants down your throat. Tell them you don’t want them and would rather explore non-chemical therapy.

idk, punch people in the face, the ones that piss you off.

Take a couple says off and go on a little weekend trip or something.
Do what you think will relax you, dont worry so much, take everything one day at a time.

did you actually type this yourself lol?


I just started school this week, pretty sure thats it. m&w 8-6 and fri 8-12. I have been tired as shit all week too…

like I was yawning at 10 o’clock, I never do that

On tuesday i fell asleep at 5:30pm and woke up at 7am

I have done this a few times.
When I do tho, i need coffee after.

I go through this every year, usually around early January it starts. It used to be way worse. I’ve found if I keep myself really busy winter goes by easier, so I work all the time. I sleep half the day and stay up all night all the time though, I don’t know why.

I work third shift and my body is all messed up, its terrible during winter, I rarely see the sunlight.

I have been taking melatonin supplements to help me get to sleep. I don’t take them every night, and they really help me out. I don’t feel groggy when I wake up.

You can get them at walgreens or walmart for like 5 bucks.

probably the hiv

Blood sugar has been doing that to me recently. Just get to your doc and get checked out.

I think you watch 30 Rock too much. That and you need an alarm clock.


ugh… it’s 11:27pm and I just got home from work. I have to get back up in 7 hours and go back in. I’m tired all the time too, but I think I know why in my case.

I don’t understand that reference… I don’t watch much TV.

Get a JOB. Get on a normal sleep schedule and go do something outside in the sun when it is out. The more you sit and do nothing, the more your body shuts down. You will likely start to get sick now too. Some people call it Cabin Fever, it is from being inside all day and not moving around enough to burn off the energy your body is storing, it’s almost like it is going into hibernation.

ummm yeah. i have a job. and go to school full time.

went to the docs. get tons of blood work on monday. probably nothing wrong. they’ll just tell me i’m going crazy. joy. the sun is out today, and i already feel a bit better. so weird. welp, gotta go soak that shit in.