Seasonal Affective Disorder?

I’m already expecting the inevitable to happen, but maybe it will make me laugh.

There is something wrong with me. I called my doctor today, but they’re either not open on Fridays, or I called too late. Plus I feel like if I told them any of this, they’d try to shove anti-depressants down my throat.

For the past 3 weeks, I’ve been sleeping for way too long. All I want to do is sleep. I’d go to bed around 1am, and end up sleeping til 5pm. But when I woke up, I’d still be tired. So I’d go to bed around 1-2am again. I woke up at 6am this morning, exhausted as hell, and couldn’t fall back asleep until noon. Then woke up at around 3ish, took a shower, and now I feel like I can crawl back into bed and sleep again.

Could I have Seasonal Affective Disorder?

I usually don’t believe in all that bogus stuff, but I seriously can not get out of this mood. I tried working out more, that didn’t help. I thought maybe I had a vitamin deficiency, so I started taking my vitamins every day again, and I still don’t feel any different.

I’m driving myself insane. I’m miserable. SOMEONE MAKE IT STOP.

Anyone else effected by this? I can’t fucking stand it. It’s ruining my life. I know running to nyspeed isn’t the best idea, but I don’t know what else to do at this point. I need suggestions. Ha.


I was thinking that too. I better fucking not.

I had this all of last week, but I think it was just the flu for me. I am full of energy now.

Go to the doctor… also you have to set your body into a time frequency. I dont know what your life is like, but doing things such as forcing yourself to wake up can set this pattern (hence why people who work full time jobs during the week generally dont sleep in on the weekends).

Have you been sick recently?
Are you sleeping well during those times? Or are you tossing and turning a little?

Tossing and turning. I haven’t had a good nights sleep in years.

And Walker, I don’t like that shit. I don’t mix well with caffeine.

Tuesdays and Thursdays I’m at school for 8-10 hours. Oddly I have no issues with getting up and going to school. It’s just everything else.

Thats prolly it then.
I didnt sleep well for like two months at least, i was tired every day tho.
Do you work?


Sounds like you need a face punch.

i agree 100%.

or a donkey punch

I foresee this thread going downhill hahaha, Im getting out while I can


to be honest though i have been feeling like this during winter for the last 5 years. if i drink i feel better. start drinking a lot

If you work, drink coffee to keep you alert but the days you have off, dont drink any coffee or anything like that, it will help you sleep better.

Also, if you sleep too long, you can still be tired after.

I figured I wouldn’t get any serious replies. I’m glad that so far, it’s been pretty mature. For real though, is there like, a vitamin or herbal remedy or some fucking shit for this?

Edit: I don’t drink coffee. And I hate my job, so being there is making it worse. I now only work 10 hour shifts Sat and Sun. It’s normal for me to be miserable and hate my life at work. Ha.

why dont you drink some lightly caffinated tea…?

Stress could be the reason you arent sleeping well

Do you feel as though you’re accomplishing anything in life? Are you happy? Do you feel like you have a purpose? Do you take pride in your actions?

Try doing a lot of little things to give yourself a positive outlook. Clean up your apartment, rearrange furniture, organize your spice rack, etc. Sometimes a little change in scenery can go a long way with making you feel refreshed.