secondary offense my ass

State in spection station WERE able to fail for tint about, 12 years ago.
The Inspectionstions were complaining that they would fail the car, tint would be removed, and the reapplied, therefore jepordizing the inspection stations license’s.

Therefore they amendid the law so that the inspection station did not HAVE to fail the car, BUT the left it writen as a violation of inspection, and safty.

Windoe tint citations are BS, cant fight it cause everybody else just “Mans up, and pays” so you are stuck being that one guy standing there.

Pa. needs to “Man up” and set a definate percentage, whether it be 70% or 50%, becuase the last officer i spoke with said “Our dewpartment doesnt have a meter, so i look at the back of my car, and the window in question, if i can see more interior items of my vehicle than the person who im attempting to cite, then its illeagal”

I was like WTF? Its Bull shit, and even my tint guy does all the local Governments personal cars, and guess what, they dont get tickets for and and they are the same pricks that wont make a law for a certain percent.

Some of the Ross Park cops (okay just one Officer White) ride around with Meters… The limit is 70 (according to him)

He has pulled over a lot of customer’s of a friend’s shop, it’s his personal vendatta to stop tinting. He actually told a customer “take me to the place that did this to your car” Dumbass drove him over. He then continued to harass everyone at the shop, and wrote a ticket to the customer and then one of the employees as he pulled into the parking after a coffee run.

ahhh… highschool

i loved heading up to Mt washington just to get harassed. I remember the news people put decibel meters up there for one of the reports.

have you guys ever seen 70% pass through before, it’s practically stock on all passenger cars now :shrugs:

and that “being able to see the interior” is bull too. My interior is dark gray, so obviously the interior is going to appear darker than someone with a tan interior. right?


and how many un-marked patrol cars do you see with tint? yeah, a lot. If that’s not illegal then nothing should be. Tint is indangering nothing but lawmaker’s prides

cops never do the shit by the book…they think they are “above the law” or say with some hick ass accent “i am the law boay!!”

speaking of diaf.

I know when I got pulled over the ticket was 195 bucks for south park and that asshole went out of his way totally he passed me going the other way and turned around and came after me …My dad has a doctors letter saying he cant be in direct sunlight from his cancer meds …and his car looks likea goddam drug dealers car

DRs note FTW…i got one

so guess what, I eat my words…apparently my mother has taken over the entire situation(car’s in her name for insurance) and the film is coming off. I’m kinda depressed now, not too much seperates me from every other car on the road. I never cared much for appearance shit but I loved having tint, it set the car off.

ewww access denied…

the cop only said take off the front 2. I hate the way cars look without a uniform tint though, I might just take it all off :dunno:

thinking now about getting it re-applied after winter, I haven’t decided if it’s worth the trouble


front windows are as clear as gin

I hope you assholes in usc are happy now

yes my neon was tinted all around with 20% and i was stopped my mt lebo and metered two different times both times the car passed but i was wroted up for other offences

:rofl: :rofl::bowrofl: you said “wroted”. I love the grammer on this board.

brian and spangler are the best for this shit… :blah:

yeah I was thinking about that too? hmmm…guess I’ll ask next time :dunno:

With a note from your doctor only have part of what is needed for exemption. You need MV-402 form from the state with the letter from your doctor. Only then will Penn Dot issue a medical exemption waiver for sunscreening. I believe that it is hard to obtain this exemption.

Link for MV-402

More info on tint

mac are you freakin kidding me? quik’s egrammer is FTL X10