Security Chip WTF

I recently bought a Del Sol from SilverGT and under the dash there is a port like an obd conector and a key chip that goes in it. If the chip is in the car will start, when the chip is taken out the car goes dead (no power). Does anyone know what this is?? Is it stock or aftermarket? Can i bypass this?? I and lots of others ive talked to have no idea and never seen one. Any help is appreciated, thanx.

What does it say on the chip? I can see letters but can’t make them out.

i’ve seen these before in really chincy car alarms.

Its like a kill switch, except you need the little chip to start the car, instead of just flipping a switch.

I bet wires from it run directly to the steering column.

aftermarket, and yes it can be taken out. it most likely acts like a starter kill if i had to guess. do you have power (radio etc work) but it won’t crank? or no power whatsoever?

kustom works took the aftermarket alarm out of my car that had a lose wire…that when moved a certain way, would do the same thing…take all power away from the ECU…sucked…only cost like $15 to have it taken out though…best $15 i ever spent…

no power at all, it cuts it all off

I had one of those stock in my 95 Ford Probe GT. It’s just another version of a kill switch. Great to have, but make sure you don’t lose it.

When I bought my probe, I had 2 of them and they had a ring attachment for the remotes (basically 1& 1 spare).

where can i get one made? i only have one and it looks beat up

That’s a good question. I’d check and see if the kill switch was a manufacturer option (like Ford & Mazda used to do). If so, dealer could replace it. If not, might want to see if Adictd2b00st can find you some other options, or maybe ask one of the car alarm install places in the area if they know.

i need something like that for my caprice!

it will only temp slow them down

my parents old windstar had the same thing… not sure where to find any info on it though