See and buy the Sabres new Jerseys...

<evil stang building a bigger hole of idiocy>

i’m going to take the over on the over/under of evil stang being 30. who the hell says “piss pot” anymore?

i dont know but it might be someone who has become “too big for his britches”.

well he does drive a mustang…


could be worse, could be a honduh, no wait that will never happen

doubt it, just hate little punks who live to post shit on the net but would never even think of saying somthign to sombodys face or they would say somthgn from 20 yards away while sitting in the hand me down neon they got from mommy and drive away.
I started posting here cuz there are a few cool people and thought it would be cool to post in a local car forum, but i think there are more little bitches on here than anythnig. I love they people who post an opinion other than what is the popular one get jumped on.

here’s a hint; I saw Metallica in a bar, with Cliff.

lol it was a joke, i’m sure you’ve heard the “mustang mentality” before :stuck_out_tongue:

i know it was a joke, i couldn’t find a little smiley that i liked, I like the stick poke one but a lot fo forums don’t ahve that one.

So anyway…

anyone gonna go to some of the scrimmages? I think i might partake, but not that first one, itll be a zoo probably

You make mustang owners look bad. Just like honda owners, some are dicks some are cool. You sir are a dick, plain and simple truth.

come on you can’t call the guy a dick because he doesn’t like the sabres and bills, seriously who cares?

how can i put this nicely, FUCK YOU. I love ass bags like you who go off on people cuz you don’t liek their opinion, give as much credibility as a peice of dog shit. It shows your weak and are nothing more than a little weasel cuz you can’t accept the fact tha not eveyone agrees with you. You have a long hard life ahead of you. don’t waste my or anyone else’s time responidng to what i post you worthless fuck stain.

Meanwhile back at the ranch… You obviously do give a shit or else you would be out of the thread and on so something more your speed, like rocking out on some sweet great white tunes. Show some respect, you don’t even like hockey? Then what the fuck are you even giving an opinion for?


Evil Stang is just pissed, because instead of playing hockey with him as a child…his father touched his genitals.

there are 3 kinds of people in this world dicks, pussies and assholes…

Dicks are the kids driving Honda’s.

Pussies are the grown men driving stangs.

Pussies hate dicks. For a few reasons.
1.) Pussies get fucked by dicks.
2.) Pussies get beaten up by dicks.
3.) Dicks are better than pussies. There has never been a president with a pussy. And people want dicks more than they want pussies. Specifically bigger ones. Nobody likes a big pussy. But everyone likes a big dick.

And the assholes, drive f-bods. They are ugly, and smell bad. And once in a while, get fucked up by a dick. :slight_smile:

Anywho. Yeah, the new jerseys are bad. Really bad. I’m suprised that online petition didn’t get anywhere. But then again…they rarely do.

My father died when i was 10 you little fuck, so you;d be well advised to watch what you say.

Becasue shit liek this is all about opinions. Damn, don’t mess with great white, they rocked,


And you would never say that the sabres are a shitty team in a crowd of sabres fans. Before you say “yeah I would”, no you wouldnt.

Majority rules. Shut the fuck up.
