See and buy the Sabres new Jerseys...

PUKE! Like i thought no sabres in the logo other than the hidden one on the actual buffalo. Fuck larry quinn cause the word marks don’t help at all.

and yet again another thread goes to shit thanks to the ppl of this forum who would rather destroy what is left of this “AUTOMOTIVE FORUM” and piss everyone off. if u dont like honda, thats fine KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! instead of making ignorant comments. and as for the “hand-me down neon” comment, grow the fuck up. seriously u sound like u are 12. so with that being said im sure he will flame on me and thats fine, im not responding to anymore of his worthless posts, nor will i wasted my time reading the shit that comes out of his mouth.

throwback merchandise FTmuthfukinW

i say people boycott buying them…or anything with the new logo…and maybe then they will change it to something more aggressive and better looking, lol

Well i have $300 that was going to be spent on a jersey that i am now putting on something else. There is no way im shelling out that much money on something that is so ugly.

im buying an old school blue and gold thank you very much

I would still prefer those celsius designs jerseys. As far as using the blue one as the 3rd. i would have preferred the white jersey but its better than only having the slug.

yeah, I dunno. I was really looking forward to getting a new jersey…then the logos came out and I thought maybe I’d tough it out and get one. Now with the “sabres” written on it, it’s even worse. boo

I think it’s funny how they had to label the slug so people know what team it is…maybe thats not funny…maybe thats sad :frowning:

lets get a custom place to make the celsius jerseys. If we get enough people together it would be pretty cheep. Even better when we have an NYspeed gathering at the arena with all the celsius jerseys :tup:

I would love to go see a game in one of those jerseys. People would definitely be jealous.

yeah man, I say we get a group together and get these made

im going to the sabres opener in Carolina and im bringing a big anti-new logo sign.

Fuck yeah, any of those were great. Too bad quinn blew him off.

better pic

they couldent pay me to wear this new slug…

if there selling the 3rd retro im in :slight_smile:

:word: to all 3 of ya.

I’d be in for that.

man, this pisses me off, weve got a great team and theyre gonna be out there lookin like a bunch of crooked dildos :tdown:

Maybe that is their plan all along…

Make a new jersey so disgusting that they can boost the price on the old blue&gold and people will pay it

that is the only reasonable explaination


enjoy not making the playoffs

not feeling the logo AT ALL.
the last time I saw a bright yellow legless buffalo was…