Semi-Trucker Rant

Just like the truck driver that replied above you. We cant blame them for doing what they have to do when the passanger cars around them are out to space putting on makeup in rush hour. I dont think 99, and many of the others are arugeing that point. If they need to merge over to avoid blowing the hat off a trooper pulled over, and force a few cars to GTFO the way… i completely understand.

BUT like you said right there, if they are ignorant and do it just to do it… its 110% fucked up and should not get away with it.

I see what you did all the time too. truck gets over for what ever reason in the left lane, and wont blend into the flow of traffic. Sometimes they cant move back over becasue other asshole passanger cars are too quick to say fuck this guy and blow by on the right aorund them. If there is a CLEAR spot for that truck to pull over, and they dont… fuck them pass them, throw change out the window at them once you get by, what ever, just do it. BUT if you see them looking in the mirror, maybe have the blinker on to try to move over, do what Ilya did and let them in.

I saw it once where people were just following this guy and getting pissed off then blasting around him on the right. I made it up behind him and drove down the dotted lines for a mile, waiting for him to look in the side view mirror. he finally saw what I was doing, keeping the other dicks behing me from blasting up the right of him. When he looked in his mirror, I flickered my high beams for him, he put his blinker on and moved over finally. Now yes he was oblivious, or maybe didnt give a shit about the people behind him, but atleast once I got his attention, and gae him a shot to move over he did.