Senior Citizen Charged with Growing Marijuana

I really don’t see the issue here.


If she would of grown the weed in her garden with the tomato’s and corn, I’m sure no one would of noticed… But she was an old cunt and figured, just because I’m over 60 and white trash, I can do what the fuck I want.

Common Sense.

lol, good point (just watched the vid)

I bet she wasn’t smoking it alone…

She better share!

oh poor lady, fuck the man

guess what?

its against the fucking law

you got caught??? omg you had it on your porch, how the hell did they find it?!? white trash retards
Do it all you want, just know the risks that go along with it. and before “oh dudeeee you like strreet raceee, thats against the law too” accept the risks and consequences. You get caught, dont be surprised when you get into shit over it.

^ obviously.

I have two on my porch…should I move them? :gotme:


There’s a big difference between thinking something should be legal and expecting sympathy when you blatantly break the law and flaunt it to the neighbors.

If you really feel a little medicinal marijuana helps fine, buy a grow light and grow that shit in your house. At least be smart enough to grow in the back yard away from public view. Assuming it’s kept 100% for personal use and kept quiet no one is going to bother you. Don’t however put a 7 foot high pot plant on your front porch for the world to see and expect sympathy when you get busted. Retards.

PS… I’m a Republican and I support the legalization (and similar to cigarette levels of taxation) of marijuana.

If you believe that than youre the fuckin idiot. Idiot.

Edit: Besides Pataki, Dems have governed NYS since the early 80’s. Idiot.

Sick burn. :rx3:

PureXTC you’re an idiot. Arnold is a democrat and he’s pro-legalization. Along with plenty of other Democrats.

Thats California. This lady lives in NYS.

Learn to specify then. You made a general statement against “#2 the Democrats want to legalize weed”

Oh and also, there’s a bill being considered in Albany right now to make medical marijuana+growing legal.

ugh democrats

There was the whole matter of that pesky federal law that makes it illegal though, trumping state laws. Which, the only reason this is even in question is because the DEMOCRATIC president ordered the justice department to stop enforcement, as opposed to the REPUBLICAN presidents who did enforce it.
And it’s the Legislature that makes the laws. The bill has come up and died in the Republican Senate.

I can’t believe she was growing it on her front porch…

I guess getting high is the miracle cure for everything except stupid.