Serious ? about moving/working

cincy… :down: pittsburgh :bigthumb:


But there are a shitload of nicer places across the United States that you could live in for around the same cost as Pittsburgh. I said after I graduated high school, I was moving to San Antonio, TX, which is where my mom moved when i was 17. I didnt want to leave school in beginning of my senior year. Look where I am now, still here. Then I said if my job ever went there, Id go. Now its supposed to be launching there within a year, Ill probably still end up here… :bash:

i think that if you have a degree and a good resume then you will probably come across some good advancement opportunities that will take you away from pittsburgh. but i would not pack up and move to charleston just because someone said you need to get out of pittsburgh… that is probably one of the few cities in the country that is on a steeper economic decline than pittsburgh.
stay in pittsburgh and bank your money incase a good opportunity comes a long in a high rent city.

If you can score a job at a Pittsburgh firm that has growth potential and offers stock options (and you are willing to wait until these options are worth something), then staying is a great idea.

Do you want to live in Pittsburgh forever?

Me?? As long as my paycheck keeps clearing and i have a place to live i dont mind calling pittsburgh home.
i guess i was just trying to say pittsburgh > charleston, and you shouldnt pack up and leave just because you graduated. someday you might get an offer that you can’t pass up. then go for it.

all my friends that left pittsburgh resulted in the same mess

they essentially spread themself to thin and came home after a few years because they were never getting ahead.

its up to you, but i think if you would ask my brother he would say stay at home. he just graduated in May and is working in DC. he pays like a g a month just to live in a single apt

a persons monetary investments and future plans aren’t really dependent on what city they live in… you’re going to deal with the same shit everywhere… sure some places cost more to live and shit, b ut if you were serious about it, you’d go out to that place and check out 3 - 5 apartments, then check out grocery stores and bullshit like the local area and the ‘cost of living’ and then talk to the employer about it… make your salary reflect the raise you want to move jobs as well as the high cost required to live.

I wouldn’t move out of the state ‘just because’… i know people that did that because they were ‘sick of pittsburgh’ and have come to realize they can’t hack it on their own… or like others said, took a job with a 4k increase and live in a place that costs them 10k a year more… so they are slowly losing money.

what would be your reasoning for moving?

i’ve conisdered a couple jobs (only one really seriously) in different locations… basically do you feel like moving all your shit and starting over?

I moved to CT which is more expensive, but the only real difference is in rent and car insurance. I made sure I negotiated my salary to be something I could live off of and still come up in the green.
It has been almost a year and so far so good. The job I took is exactly what I wanted and there is opportunity for promotions - but I am happy being the head of a department for now.

other than apartments cost of living arguements aren’t really valid for a single guy. i mean, so you pay $1 more a beer or $10 in groceries, you won’t feel it. Rent is the single biggest expense for most of us outta college, and you can screw yourself in Pittsburgh just as easily as anywhere else… case in point… apt on Carson above Marios… $1000 for 2 bedrooms, and you HAD to walk thru on bedroom to goto the bathroom… on the slopes i scored a HOME for $600 with utilities. imho Don’t move unless you have GUARENTEED employment, and not a shitty job either.

mike, what do you value more, a job and some money or ur family and friends. Two, you need to stop gettin people’s opinions and make some decisions with your own head, ur old enough now. three, pittsburgh could get better. think about it 10 years ago till now. there is so much new development.

I’ll compare young people leaving pittsburgh to pitt not being able to land the big recruits in the 90’s. How was either supposed to win? Now pitt football is gettin some good players, guys are staying here to play for a potential winner, think about if the young people stayed in this city. It will never get batter as long as people keep leaving. People think that somewhere over the rainbow its all great from pittsburgh but in reality all places are relatively the same except for the weather. Its in a lot of people’s heads thats this city sucks, i mean you hear people bitch and whine about it cause its a popular thing to do. Sure as hell there are things that suck about it but its really NOT that bad. there is plenty of worse places to be. Think about all the good things for once.

that sounds good, but the reality is pittsburgh blows.


but, Pittsburgh is a very good place to raise kids. There is a lot of things to do (science center, museums, kennywood, sandcastle, etc…), the childrens hospital is one of the best, and it’s relatively safe.

I want to move because of job market and weather. The weather really blows here 98% of the year.

I love the cost of living in Pittsburgh. Yes, cost of living IS a big deal even for single guys. Do you guys like dollar drink nights? Try finding that in Manhatten.

I live in Highland Park, but still, the house my wife and I rent is pretty nice for $640/month. You couldn’t find a decent full size on bedroom apartment for that in NY or Seattle.

You can live pretty well in Pittsburgh on a salary that would barely get you by in other cities.

You can get a 15’ x 15’ efficiency in La Jolla for $850… haha.

the summer was virtually rain free, my front yard would know. the weather anywhere can suck, look at down south right now!!! i’d rather have some snow than have to face some bull shit like that. Other places got tornados, earthquakes, more snow than us, disgustin humidity, 110+ degreeze, hurricanes. Ok maybe Hawaii is perfect but how realistic would living there be?

Yeah, Hawaii is perfect (until the volcanos erupt, or the Japs attack again).

good point!!! see even paradise isn’t so great.

I would rather have 95% of the year be nice weather and 5% to be shitty than here where it’s 40% nice and 60% shitty. This summer was pretty nice, a little too humid for my taste, but not bad. Last summer sucked balls. We will see how the winter goes when it starts up in a few weeks :mad: fuck pittsburgh weather

I’d say prolly $1000 for 15x15 in LaJolla! hahahah

I lived out in Venice Beach for a little more than 2 years, although I moved out there “to be w/ a guy” who lived there…6 months later I broke up w/ the idiot and was on my own. Had the best time of my life after that…loved the beaches the sun the sand the weather. Hated paying $1200 for a 2 bedroom apt, hated the traffic. Moved here to Pgh to marry my hubby after rekindling an old friendship…I’d never raise kids in Los Angeles…they would graduate w/ a 2nd grade education LOL

If you just want to move to try something different then go for it. You just have to realize that there will be ups and downs no matter where you live. You are young, go where you want to go and do what you want to do. If you want to go for the reason of “never getting out of Pgh if I don’t do it now…” that is prolly a bad decision.

Just wish the weather here was better…