so I just got offered a winter job... v. Not in OC

one of my best friends growing up started a natural gas company. He called me up and said he wanted me to come back and do some sales stuff for him for a pretty nice salary plus bonuses. So come ~ November, I might be back in Pittsburgh till probably March.


Sounds like a win-win situation, other than arranging for housing in two places. Do you have any indoor pool accounts that you have to take care of over winter?

win for him, lose for us.

so this is a temporary job then, or is there opportunity to stay on? Temp would probably be best…given you most likely left Pitts for a reason.

come back to the burgh!



but how do you just start a natural gas company??


christmas is coming early this year :slight_smile:


Did you plan on taking the winter off before this came up?

negative. not many indoor pools down here.

yeah I would sure hate to ruin all those Pittspeed meets you go to with my presence.

yeah just something to do over the winter. I made decent money with my company but between living expenses and the money I had to put back into the company I just about broke even, which means I was going to have to get a piece of shit serving job or work at the front desk of a hotel and barely be able to make rent all winter. But with this job, if it works out, I’d have enough money to have a place up in PA and keep my place down here so I have a place when I come back on weekends and when I come back for the summer.

His parents own similar businesses.

Eat lots of wings and drink plenty of beer :dunno:


That’s business for the first year. All businesses are like that. You aren’t thinking of closing up shop on the pool management side, I hope?

Just as a little bit of a pick me up, it has been a terrible summer for all service/industry type businesses. The ARM and Sub-Prime mortgage thing has hit everyone hard and, from my estimation and speaking to others, has really hit all industries that rely on consumers spending that excess money (like on vacations) really hard.

Hang in there, the 2nd year will be better than the first.

congrats on the offer man,hope it all works out

oh I had a great first year. I knew most of what I made would go back into the company. No big deal there. I’m definitely not closing up shop, but I dont have much winter work to do to my pools so I have to find something to do to pay the bills till next spring. This would give me more sales experience and that always helps. Much better than waiting tables or some shit like that.