Serious Question... for pot/ex-pot smokers... seriously

i meant you can call me to ease yourself some. while i tell you about the waste of life i know.

I’m fairly eased up about this… I feel bad for my parents… They did a phenomenal job in making me despise drugs for the most part and also instilled fear in my eyes if I was to ever fuck up. Hell i got my first speeding ticket, a few months later I was paying my own insurance.

I could never imagine saying half the stuff she says or doing half the stuff she does with blatant disregard to their feelings/wishes. My biggest thing I ever did against their wishes was buy a bike… which was sold immediately when they found out about it… only for me to buy another one when I moved out… They threatened to take away my college, so i sold the bike… My sister on the other hand would never reason that out… shed say fine. take college away, i dont care.


To pat… thanks for the offer… when i get back in town, we should do mcdonalds again… we’ve got so much catchin up to do. (aside from this garbage)

Sucks to hear will…

My own personal experience: I smoked heavily for a little over a year along with other stuff until my dad found out, who at the time was the one person who still had an influence in my life… He found out about the shit i was in and made me feel real guilty about it, which hurt me. In return i have since given it up. He is soley the reason i won’t do anything anymore and is a huge influence in my life…

Said person needs to either 1) have a sober moment like soloscoob said or 2) have someone of importance step in and help… It might be a phase but if it starts to get out of hand, the parents need to take EVERYTHING away. make life hell, make her pay for her own shit, her own bills etc etc. Then see where the priorities are… tough love worked for me…

Hope it helped

Sorry to hear Will, that really sucks.

Thanks for the sympathy (that was the furthest thing from my intent in posting this thread, but its nice to see people help out)

… i didnt/dont really expect to find the solution to this problem on nyspeed :lol: but different approaches to the problem are insightful to say the least. Thanks everyone.

I’d venture to guess that she’s smoking pot for similar reasons you ride the bike. It’s her escape from something that she doesn’t like. For the hour or whatever she is high, she isn’t thinking about her friends in NY or whatever she misses. That’s partially why I did it when I started in high school, but I was dealing with a whole lot more than she is, lol. It was also something I did with friends, but we did it without driving so it was actually fun. 4 or 5 close friends sitting around stupid giggling with no hangover in the a.m. My .02

Oh, wait til you see the pile of parts I’ve accumulated in the basement…

Have her see a psychiatrist, seriously. The shrink will find the true nature of the problem. She will feel better talking things out. She sounds all bottled up with emotion, and isn’t letting anyone in.

I cant wait to see the parts… a shrink is in the near future… once again… im fairly certain.

i cant believe this thred made it 2 pages without someone asking for n00dz. good luck with your situation.

id say doing all of these would be right IMO


marijuana is an addicting past time. when you’re high, you actually worry about your problems 200x more, and in different and more serious ways, often freaking yourself out for nothing. Thats just the easiest “stereotypical” response users use, because they know non-users won’t understand the real reasons. When you take up smoking pot as a hobby, you view everything you do/did just a little different, and it becomes the type of thing that if you’re not smoking, you’re just not happy. And no, I dont mean happy with LIFE, I mean happy with that hour of that day. Then, once your pothead friend calls to meet up and do the deed, you feel just find again like “ah i’m ok, I was just bored”.

As far as the driving thing, the weedz got nothin to do with it. Actually, you can bet she got in an accident because she WASNT high, and just wasnt paying attention. When you’re high, you’re paranoid as fuck (some people more than others) and you pay attention to things like driving VERY well. Yea you’re “impaired” according to the law, but you are in no way too fucked up to drive. I have never in my life met someone that crashed and said it was because they were high. It just doesn’t happen.

And well, I won’t get into the psychotherapy of it all unless you really want me to, but you have to promise not to take what I have to say about it offensively. Unless of course she has a serious problem like being skitzo or something, psychiatrist is the last place you take someone like this. If you really want my input on it Willy, pm me. Being someone that hid the fact i I blazed from several people for years, ive been through all this a million times and I can give lots and lots and lots of advice on what to say to her.

Ok, from someone who smoked pot for MANY years, and who has fought issues with depression his whole life…

There’s only 2 things you need to do… bottom line…

  1. In-patient Rehab (even though I don’t think the drugs are the main issue, as pot wasn’t for me, nor was it addictive for me; I used to quit for months/years at a time)

  2. Psychologist/Psychiatrist mental health time. Get her to see one; ASAP; in-patient if you need to.

Basically she’s got a depression/mental problem (most likely from moving and leaving everything she knew) and turned to pot; that in turn at 17 is just making it worse. Gotta get her off the pot and onto some anti-depressants. If you can achieve those 2 things; I think you’ll get your sister “back”.

wowowow SUPER SUPER extreme… call me before considering any of this

Psychiatrists don’t talk about things. They prescribe drugs and collect money from insurance companies.

And generally if somebody “doesn’t care about anything” it will be very difficult to get them to care enough to want to talk/think about things that they really ought to talk about.

rehab won’t do shit. I’ve seen many people in the same situation go in and out of rehab, with no change at all.

If she doesn’t want help, you cannot force the help. You can however have a heart-to-heart with her. Ask her what is bothering her. Tell her to tell you about what is going on lately. Do not do anything except listen to exactly what she has to say.

The problem is that everyone is telling her what to do, nobody is listening to what she has to say.

What you say here is how pot affects you. If you were to apply your opinion to me Id laugh in your face because you would be totally wrong. No one and I mean no one can pass judgement or offer any advice other then the obvious until you have spent a good amount of time with this girl. Counseling would be best but only if she really wanted to go. She has to want to quit. You would be surprised at the people that actually smoke pot. Just like anything else, with moderation and responsibility there is nothing wrong with smoking a little pot.


Non of the shit you just typed ^^^makes sense. Ive been smoking pot for years.
I can tell you right now, when you smoke weed you dont worry about your problems… If anything it calms you down.
Ohh and you said youre never too fucked up to drive when smoking pot…? When you smoke weed you see things go by you in a slow motion. I can smoke 1 blunt and drive fine… Now when i smoke more than one i cant see/say/do shit. Your brain is relaxed…
so yeah YOU CAN GET INTO AN ACCIDENT by smoking weed.

sucks but thats life. She needs to see a shrink or something to help her cope with shit. pot will mask the problems, not fix them.