SGR Racing School @ Cayuga

Here are some pics from a Sweetie Girl Racing track day that I was invited to (thanks Ronnie) It was a while ago, but I just got around to editing a few pics, so I figured I’d post them up. I gotta admit, this was probably one of my favorite track events I’ve been to (Only been to a few) It was well organized, they had instructors teaching how to drive, small session with an instructor teaching basic racing line, braking, rules and giving tips. They also had a lot of food at the end of the day. The best part for me though, was getting to drive Ronnies coupe around the track a couple times. Anyways, here are a few pics. I still have some more I’ll upload soon.

The instructor was having a hard time with all the distractions from the strip.

The GT-R was owned by a driving instructor that worked for the “Canadas worst drivers” TV show, If I remember correctly. Unfortunately, she left without taking the beast out for some laps.

This dude cant seem to get enough of the vette. haha.

Jesus… I love this car.

SGR always puts together excellent events!! I am always glad to see the females making an impact on the track! GO SGR

That was the driving instructor in the first pic? You found them to be very good or what I plan on attending a racing school there at one time or another.

He was the one doing the basic track lesson and tips. There were a few instructors that would go out on the track with you to show you the line, braking points, etc. I didn’t get to go on the track with an instructor, but most of the students there seemed satisfied. They’re having another one in October.

Some more Pics.

isn’t this a girl only driving school, thats what their website implies. word!

lol who in the big lexus.

Not sure, all I know is that there were plenty of dudes out there.

whoa sick cars, nice photography too

So like… more info on the driving school? I am interested (for next year).