"SH!T DEER!!!!"

Last night i totally smoked a deer on RT. 43 in the civic. i saw it standing on the side of the road and started to slow down… and then it ran out in front of me. i stood on the brakes, with smoke pouring off all 4, i knocked his ass down, he stood up and walked away like nothing happened… bastard… hahaha. suprisingly there was no damage what-so-ever… i was so happy after just totaling my neon last month.:thumbup

cool story bro… :thumbup

haha i guess you had to be there.

dude I will say a prayer or ya cuz bad things happen in 3’s and now you are two for two in two month dont even wanna know next month

i blew the motor up in my eclipse in the spring as well as the tranny in the summer… thats 4, i think i may have bad things happen to me in 6’s FML

get it right. they happen in 7’s

7bolt that is. :slight_smile:

haha amen to that

hey, good thing ur not hurt!

LOL I saw a Deer LEG on the left side of the thruway next to the guard rail on my way into work! I figured it was you. you bummed me out kinda.

Close call, glad you and the car are ok.