Shadys Personal photography progress thread

Hell yeah plus fuckin rep. Especially the last one, :rofl

:rofl Lol thanks guys. Wife knows I put em up :lol

I thought they were pretty damn good the surrounding area aside, my room is not exactly photoshoot ready.

You can get a 50 f1.8 very cheap that will AF and save you the trouble of manual focus. My 1.4 MF is a total bitch.

Already Picked up a 35 1.8, thats what I shot my wife and a few of the others with. Was going to get a 50mm 1.4 for stuff like this but on a DX camera itd be closer to ~70mm iirc where as the 35mm is closer to 50mm

That only applies to film camera lenses being used on dx format dslrs.

Applies to any non-DX lens on a DX format camera, Film or Full Frame DSLR IIRC

Any Full Frame DSLR/35MM Film lenses with DX sensors are a bit zoomed in if you will as your not viewing the full picture of the lens, as the field of view is bigger then the sensor can see on a DX, and vice versa DX lenses on a Full frame camera will result in some of the frame being cut off

So the 35MM DX lens while does fit the sensor still gives the effect of a ~52MM equivilant on a Full Frame/35MM Film and the 50MM lens I was using would be around 70 or so

That was something I was completely unaware of until I read into it, because I was just going to buy one of the FX 50mm 1.4’s but realize it would be a bit more zoomed then I’d like for low light indoor close up shots like i was doing.

Its actually not a big deal so long as your mindful of that, there are a couple FX lenses I’m going to pick up that will work just fine, and be there for me when and if I upgrade to a FX body

You are a bold dude posting those on here :rofl

What did you get again d3100 or d5100 right? Not bad shots man. Not bad at all.

you are a very lucky man:O

Yeah, exactly… a DX format 50mm on a DX format body is… 50mm. Don’t get me wrong, the 35mm 1.8 is a boss lense and will probably be my next, or a 28mm, but the whole focal length argument really only applies if you’re talking about lenses other than new. If you’re buying new, you might as well get the right one for your body.

No the Focal length argument applies to any lens on a DX camera

There is no 50MM DX Lens, because it would not be 50mm, the 35MM DX lens is essnetials the same as 50MM on a Full Frame/Film Camera. DX lenses are optimized to completely fill the Smaller sensor of a smaller DX camera, where if you put on a Full frame lens, doesnt matter if its 50 years old or came out today, some of that light comming into the lens spills over outside of the censors view thus having less viewing angle then if it were on its proper frame.

There is nothing wrong or bad about using a full frame lens new or old on a DX camera, just need to be aware that the focal length will be more then what the lens is rated for. Even with DX lenses, while they are optimized to fill the DX censor properly, are not exact

And as I said, i was not 100% aware of this myself until i read into it, but you said yeah exactly “agreeing” with my post when thats not at all what I said

Was looking out my window and saw this Virgin Mary thats sat outside by the little bit of woods behind my house forever:

^ nice pic


I really like that shot.

Thread should be good.

I can’t believe she lets you do these things.

Still have Shift trampstamp one? :rofl

I don’t know, but i’ll work that into the next one :rofl

The convo went like this:

“Babe, would you be mad if I put a few up on shift?” (I seriously only have the intent to get some feedback, not listeing to everyone talk shit good or bad)

“Yes, dont you dare”

:Put a few up anyways:

“Hey babe, I put some pictures up on shift”

“Oh whatever, i dont care”


As far as the Virgin Mary goes, I litteraly was sitting right here, turned my head and saw it sitting outside, knew EXACTLY what I wanted, took like 30 photos playing around, and took 1 i liked and edited it. I knew how it was going to look before I even opened lightroom.

Load Blown


The D90

In love with this thing. I did not think changing some settings on the D5100 was a pain in the ass, thought it was quite easy until I got this thing :rofl I love the shutter sound too, compared to the D5100 it sounds snappy, it sounds like a nice crisp snap rather then the bit of a clunk the D5100 makes, which reminds me of old school film cannon DSLRS, things clunked like a mofo

Haven’t had a chance to take any pictures aside from just playing with it here at my desk, ITCHING to fucking get outside and take some pictures, and everytime its nice out I’m stuck at work, though now that I have this, I think I’m just going to bring it with me in the car anytime I can, because in the past 2 days I can already tell you i’ve missed at least 4-5 different things that I think would have made bad ass photos.

Woot, the tamron 35-105 f2.8 came today. What a heavy fucking lens :lol

It’s not perfect but its not bad, actually think it will be a great lens for me for now. Haven’t taken any pictures worth posting, but just did some comparison shots with my other lenses at similar appertures to see the differences and sharpness side by side.

This lens is actually quite sharp, even at 2.8 it produces a sharp image, at F4 its even better but really not by much, and compared to the 55-200, the 50MM F2, the 35MM 1.8 even at their sharpest apertures the tamron seems a bit sharper.

The downfall is at 2.8 wide open there is some chromatic aberration, though above that it does not seem to be present.

Autofocus is not as slow as I thought it would be, seems to have no problems focusing unless in really shitty light like in the room by my desk as where my other lenses have no issues focusing in here.

Risk deffinately seems worth it so far, i’ll know for sure when I actually get out and start using it on a nice day.

Really not 100% happy with this picture. I’ve wanted to take a picture of this house for awhile and went driving by quick and snapped a couple quick pictures.

The house/trees are slightly out of focus because I forgot to lock the focus when I focused on the house and then panned over to get it off to the side.

Lighting was not great. In spring/summer I plan on trying to get the perfect light on this old house and the barn next to it, many times I’ve been on my way home around sunset and thought wow that looks cool. Regardless I now have an idea of what to go for.

Edited some BS signs and towers out in PS, was my first go at it like this.

Picture is not perfect, but has potential to be good if I get a chance to set everything up properly and in the perfect light. Obviously it was edited as it sits now, saturated the colors a bit and darkened up the clouds

It was snowing a bit too, I got a lot of the big flurries out, but if you see some small specs, thats what it is :lol