Shelby GT500 vs Stage 3 Roush Mustang

Jermey Clarkson does another review between the two cars, but he messes up in describing the cars. He says the GT500 is only a 4.6 with a blower on top :gotme:. Also, when comparing two vehicles based on their performance, why would you do a coupe vs a vert? He should drive coupe vs coupe and then make a decision on which car is better. Still a great vid none-the-less, the blower whines are sexy :smiley:

aww wheres the next part of it.

Awww,I wanted to see the second half!!

that roush look awsome

its a better test/vid than the one below…
he dawgs the shit out of the mustang, with its 300 hp 4.6L…

Look closely, the entire video and test is in a V6 Mustang…
Single exhaust, no fogs, v6 wheels etc.

I lost mad respect for him and the show for this one…

not to mention the one where he off roads the lightning and says all we do in the states is “incest”. This guy is a tool.

haha :word: i still have respect for him because he does have one badass job! :slight_smile:

I still like that they are coming out with a brand new Bullit and a brand new Boss 302 :slight_smile: Sign me up for that

no doubt he has a bad ass job…but i think he needs to learn about cars before he should be allowed to drive them and give an opinion. hes obviously reciting what he was told to.

That looks sweet…would be better if I had sound on these damn school comps lol.

Yep it would. That 68 in the beginning sounds pretty healthy :slight_smile:

Now I have to watch this.

Off-roading a Lightning? Not smart.