Shift 2011 soft ball team.

as long as the knee holds up, im down to mop up on the softball fields

Fuck you ima run dis shit

I hope Justin2386’s car gets hit by a foul ball.


that actually made me laugh hahahahahahahah

i’ll play but im sure id be ok at it. espically when im a lilttle drinkkkkk

I would def. be in if moar girls are needed! I’m def. a little rusty, but not horrible!

my car gets hit by shit all the time…i wouldnt mind at all honestly as long as its not glass… knock on wood

its already got dents and dings all over the place anyways… :rofl

all them should be fixed by the end of the winter though… :ahh

sweet so need 2 more girls and there you go there is a team…

Im in.


New list…

  1. DeathbyRT
  2. AlpineSkiier
  3. Gatville
  4. Ilya
  5. love4boost
  6. kdubs
  7. Yo
  8. Eatonualive281
  9. justin2386
  10. 6SPD EG
  11. GermanPSI
  12. Wayne64SS
  13. usmc2801
  14. johnnyk
  15. TracEy

Oh god… this team just went to shit…



Too many people. My company had to have 2 teams because we had so many people. Frankly, it SUCKS. You have to sit half the game and it’s pretty lame. Just sayin. Maybe we should have tryouts? :rofl

Also, don’t quote me on the 4 girls thing. I think we had 4 on the field, but it might have been 5.

Not like you’d be paying any attention to them anyway

When I played last summer we had 14 as there are some weeks not everybody could make it and had 5 girls as we always had to have 4 on the field…

I’m in.

Oh Sh… PISS!

And…I’m no longer interested in Shift softball. Good luck with your team folks.

LOL oh come on.

I’ll let you punch me in the face.

No thanks.

Dude, if anybody says anything just dish it right back to them. Nobody’s any better than you are, hell more then half of this forum could only dream about having the job security/car that you have.

SO STOP BEING A BABY and let’s play some fucking ball!