Shift 2011 soft ball team.

Who gives a shit about my car or my job? My success is in no way tied to anything that happens on this forum.

I don’t need to dish shit like that because that’s not how I am. I can see it right now. I’m going to get shit like that all season long (bible thumper jokes, virgin jokes, etc.). Jokes are only funny once or twice, they get old quick. I thought we as a community moved past the fact that I have a different set of moral values than the majority of this forum. Guess not.

So, no thanks. If that makes me a ‘baby’, then so be it.

NOBODY is going to SAY jack SHIT to you in PERSON.

If they do just hit them in the head with a softball bat. Problem solved. I know I’m not much but I’d definitely stand up for ya.

I really think you’re taking this too far. I know there are a lot of jokes on here, but in person we’re all good people.

Bro, Idk what caused all this hostility, but like alpineskiier said, this online shit really stays online, in person people are like 43897423097423047234 times diff to the point where you dont even believe it was them talking. I have like…wanted to physically fight numerous people on this site lol, and lots had problems with me… When I met half of those people in person, they shook my hand, we discussed cars and squashed everything.

And if this leauge works out when are we gonna start, the season is like…kinda over no?

Yeah what is this shit. What we gon do, cross country ski to 1st base?

Shift vs Unysoc :ninja

I’d be down for this. I need something athletic now that I’ve found everyone playing UAlbany Club Lacrosse absolutely sucks. No fun for me.

They’re afraid of us.:rofl

vlad , everyone knows that scooby owners are hippys and lacrosse fags . not gonna happen . unless the scooby wagons show up and its the bulldykes , then that would be a softball game

Lmfao John :rofl

I’m in…this could be good if it takes off

Thats what im sayin. Hopefully we go thru with it.

dont worry guys… ill bring the lumber

If all else fails theres enough of us to say fuck it and play drunk wiffle ball.

Lmao good call. Jeff will bring the four loko

I subbed on my brothers team a couple times and there are some legit teams in the league. Fuckers have college baseball players and one team had a guy that was in the minors on their team.

well slowmarrow, pjb, and myself are probably the only true athletes on this forum, soooooo…we need to address that issue. we need some talent

Wrong league. Shift wouldn’t be playing that competition.

Unless Shift wants to lose 30-0 every game, I highly suggest the recreational league and not the comp. league.

I am a true baseball/softball/wiffleball king. I can hit balls out of the park and run my ass off. Not so great at catching though need to brush up on that a little.