fuck it man, here is my reasoning

#1, shift should be hosted by a company 100% independent of any of the members or administrators for the sake of good business. Too many times a “favor” by a friend gets fucked up and complicated.

#2 If you MUST have someone on the forum host the site it should be done by someone who will have no possibility of conflicting interests.

#3, Centola shouldn’t even be a sponsor. he has something like 15 “companies” that he pushes and advertises to the fullest. If we wanted sponsors and advertising on Shift

#4 Centola’s actions previously have divided and politicized the community. regardless of everything else mentioned here and whether you agree with it or not, Centola WILL divide the forum. Different people will show up, OG’s will disappear

shift was created in spite of rspeed whether its something anyone wants to admit or not…