I actually figured you’re outright expenses for the equipment you run and its connection to be more than 2 grand, but I dont know the details on the operations, thats expected tho, high hosting bills because it is what you do and is a business of yours.

Like you said… hosting shift won’t make or break your business, so why not avoid this conflict of interest then ?

I’m not trying to live in the past, you can host it dude if it will make the difference for you. If you are a changed man , it is what it is then time will tell.

Take it easy, i respect what you do i just didnt think hosting shift was a good idea for the reasons mentioned above…

and you giving vlad a better deal on hosting is still going around what I said about me continuing to pay the bill after the host was switched, therefore vlad still would be free from that because i know he is very tight right now with his finances and I cant blame him.