Shift season-ending cruise Sat, Nov 12th *Pending due to salt/other

The only way I’ll be there is if there is a good 2 days or so of rain that just wash all this salt off the road.

Its in slightly less than two weeks so it will probably rain somewhere in that time frame

Oh jeez! How much is dry salt gonna hurt. Rinse it off when you’re done. Drove to Platsburg last night in the ambulance. 340 miles later and no white salt dust on it anywhere. Like previously stated. A beater cruise can be just as fun.

This right here. Is anyone bringing anything that DOESNT have training wheels?


dude your camaro has saturated sap on it from 3 years ago. You park it under pine tree’s and dont give a shit. This doesnt surprise me.


I’d still like to go!

I also rocked the F-bod until mid December. General UHPs are all season!


All true.

Somebody needs to lease a rental car with full coverage to use for pit maneuvers.

:rofl :rofl

In for highway pulls with PJBs truck.

I heard you already rented a cobalt for this…

I just got home with it. Needed something a little more economical than the Dodge Durango.

It even has the SS package :rofl

Just drove to Glens Falls and back from Ti, via The Northway-roads are fine, and rain is predicted between now and this event…

Jegs now sells Man Pants if some of you need them before this event to bring your cars out:haha

Thruway is pretty salt fucked. Hoping we get some rain to clear it out.

I’ve got an HD gopro if anyone wants to make use of it for highway shenanigans or whatever they’re more than welcome to.

I think rain is in the forecast. It’s pretty rare that ‘you guys down there’ get hit with snow before us guys up farther north.

yea well if you havn’t noticed mother nature is PISSED