Shift season-ending cruise Sat, Nov 12th *Pending due to salt/other

Don’t fret about the recent weather-it’s gonna be a nice day out for this one and the cars will be making good power with the cooler temps!

Fuck that they salted every road in ny

Judging by the ice around yesterday morning I’d say they missed a few. But they definitely will have after today. But its still 2 weeks away.

Id love to go but im goin boating…

Salt = season over two days ago.


im still game, have the snows on now too.

If I’m free I’m game. My car is a stock daily driver that sees snow all winter so salt is nothing new lol.

I aint afraid of salt. 4wd ftw

I aint afraid of no ghost!

I’ll be at work until 6:30 but I hope everyone going is safe and has a good time.

In as of now

+REP. Just drove the LSgun in the recent snow storm. Fuck it. Bring your beater and just have a good time!!!

I drove my Camaro until mid December last year. Come at me, bro.

Roads are salt fucked already.

See above. Not a single fuck is given.

I’m fine with sticking a fork in it. Maybe we can just do a big dinner or something?

My cars no longer fun to drive due to salt and cold roads

my car is not fun to drive as well…

i got a civic that LOVES salt…its addicted to it, cant stop rusting. lol. ill prob just clean it up rly good and take that on the cruise