Shift518 cruise 10/04/09: Now updated with meeting place and time!

Yea but his 60k car is fast as fuck and your cammed maro still sucks

fast when it moves somewhere other then on a flatbed.

Because price matters on why a car is broken or not? All of your arguments seem to turn into whose care is more expensive and all this other shit.

“wah, it’s $2354135, it should be faster…”
“wahh, it’s $60k+, it shouldn’t be broken”

I could promise you that in it’s current state it’d still rape your pantie wetting 'Maro.

And it still would have raped your car

so your flat bed is pushing 599.9999999999999whp too???

i think what he means, is that its a shame to have your car broke’d all the time and you can’t enjoy the new found performance.

lol good point! your not telling me anything I already dont know.

No actually it still ran fine

It still runs and drives, smart one.

I cant tell whose swingin from cossey’s dick tonight…

Coming from the biggest dick swinger on the forums, that’s quite the statement.

Not his dick and if you had attended said cruise you would know why but I will stick up for a friend seeing as how thats what you normally would do. But I do see who has penis envy tonight

+1 Every real shift event has been fine. Its the little ones that don’t always turn out so well. I tried to do a GPNY trip earlier in the year or last year, cant remember, and only 8 or 10 people were remotely interested and only a few were genuinely planning on going.

I haven’t tried anything since and leave it to the “pros” :lol

The 'Maro gets it sssssssssssideways as it is, imagine if it went over a drop of rain!

Im pretty sure there would have been many casualties

True. FP’s, mafs, boost leaks, etc. Cossey has likely put more miles on the S4 than the 996 by now. Audibly it sounds like a collapsed bucket. Won’t know for certain until I run some diag on the poor thing. Scope the bores, run some LD’s/C #'s.

whats a collapsed bucket?

Curious to see what the compression test yields as the car seemed to run no different nor was there any visible smoke

Bucket/tappet term used for this style hydraulic lash adjuster. Valvetrain component that transmits cam lobe action to valve stem tip.