shit, i think the 240 is hydrolocked

drove through water that was a little too deep and i think the motor is hydrolocked. how do i fix this? the starter will try to turn, but won’t turn the motor.


dont try to start
you will bend the rods
take out plugs and suck out watter with a shopvac tan let dry for a day

pull out the plugs and crank it.

tear down :stuck_out_tongue:

sell it to me

if you bought that then youd finally have a real car :wink:

whelp, i took the plugs out and cranked it… the plugs were dry as a whistle, but the starter only kinda cranks, so i’m thinking its getting shorted out because of the water. i’m going to let it sit till tomorrow morning and then try and start it.

one that comes complete with its own bandwagon…your sig = teh gay :repost:

you know you envy my stock 240 :tounge:

my sig is an expression of myself so please dont make fun of me! :hahano:

people hold onto anything because you can’t drive faggort

ohh ya i forgot youve driven with me soo many times so youd really have an idea of how i can drive :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

also, drain the oil and change filter. actually, drain oil, leave plug out. pull spk plugs, leave them out. then turn it over. if motor shit the bed, get ahold of me, i will try to help u out on a replacement one form either a yard, or shop that has a spare.

KAs are easy to come by for fairly good prices

just go by what i saw


when did you see me driving? :eek3: stalking me?

I seen you driving along in your autmobile too :kekegay:
i wasn’t following you to pagases to say hi :rofl:

he’s a stalker :stick: , hell you couldnt see that spaceship of a car of his :hsugh: