sho = ss, sho > scooby

lol so much hate!

i can see this too

I want 20 cars, oh and no boost also.

I’m not allowed to make any more jokes.

this just in azenis not good in 2 inches of snow! shocker


Pinks ftw… haha

Well this is the 3rd offer i’m giving you , You ran your pie hole the other night
and i waited …nothing. WTF! If your car is half as fast as your mouth it
should be a good run…
I’ll be around all day…

You waited? Where were u waiting? No one told me. You never mentioned what u wanted to run. I recall saying this:

If you want to run teh DD that’s cool. Lemme know where you guys are gunna be I’ll meet ya out.


Post 52 I told you to let me know where and when… Your post 58…
So check post 59 , And there’s nobody here but me. Also i don’t really
care to run your DD ,but if your gonna try and punk me off i’ll be more than
happy to let you stare at my tail light’s.


hahaha. this is great.

my car devloped a miss at 5500rpm+ i’m suspecting it is a spark issue so i’m going to drop my gap or try a special set of plugs i got from ohio. if that doesn’t fix it i’ll frown. but if it does i’ll run you. his car is about as fast as mine - the turbo lag. N/A FTW.

what do you say… FUCK i just looked outside its raining. well that option is out the window.

I don’t care, I’ll run you in my slow car. I hope you can drive a little bit. As soon as we get a break in the weather this week I can meet you out somewhere. As long as its not Monday, Wednesday or Thusday your on, Bish!

Hope it’s as simple as a plug or somthing, But i dont think the rain is going to let up any time soon.

I stand by my first opinion:bloated:

You hope i can drive a little bit, what the hell does that mean?
Screw the weather, it’s not monday,wednesday,or thursday right now…

I think it is i’m running a .40 gap. I may also have a plug wire problem but thats why I have a huge box of spare parts (new parts). I don’t think the rain will let up anytime soon either and me being FWD there won’t be any pulls in anything other than clean dry weather.

last night i went out and pounded on the new rubber. if i punch it from first it doesn’t spin but if i brake boost it I get nothing but wheel spin. I can punch it fron a dig but again I can’t brake boost without better traction, but maybe it will change when the tires are in warm weather and the car is making less power. second holds decently well, although still a bit squarmy. cornering is awsome.

Dude, its raining like a Mo-Fo. Not only is there no point but its not safe. And I just found out I have a wake to go to anyway at 3. We’ll get our runs in don’t worry.

Good luck with the tunning… Yes i can imagine that car would be a lesson
in throttle control in anything other than warm dry roads