SHOKR* Promo (New Video)

not really what i planned on filming but it turned out pretty decent
a couple of you mentioned me doing a video for you, i have a better camera, i didnt use the crane jib as much in this, i was playing around with the camera instead

pm me if you want a personal car profile done and we can discuss it

Overall it was pretty good. At times it was kinda slow and almost made me click out but I waited for the intense part. Still waiting actually. Don’t take offense to this, but get some better cars and you will get a higher quality video. Or at least have the cars you got do something exciting. I think you have the editing skills to make a sick video. Just need some content. I love what you did with the music, i liked the radio station style you used. Also lose the info about your crew, no one really cares who anyone is in your crew.

I want an autograph of crazy steves black friend

the video is to get a bigger variety of cars so far since the video has been released 10 have offered to participate in the next vid. and the reason why i have all the names is to give credit where it is due. u can skip it if u like

sick whips

posi madness >*

Couldn’t have said it better myself. I think what your getting at here is just you fucking around etc etc. But theres only so many times you can see “Joe Blow” doing a burnout in his car.

Actually let me ask you something, are you aiming your videos for like a teckademics kinda style?

no actually i am trying to stray away from that, i just need a better variety of cars, i just made this to keep me busy over break. i had planned to make a short film that had a story behind it but that went out the window. i plan on still making it over spring break. right now i am retiring my editing software iMovie HD and stepping up to Final Cut Studio Pro. it takes editing to the top level. i am going to spend the next few months familiarizing myself with that.

i do know what u guys are talking about, the point of this video is to recruit more people to be able to get a larger variety of cars. i am aiming to end with this type of quality video within the next year or two

i plan on getting a higher quality vid camera within the next year, then i should be good

It wasn’t bad. If i was into those cars, then Ok.

Fuck it, keep it up, fuck the rest.

Lookin’ good man! Could use a little improvement here and there, but definitely coming along. Awesome editing for sure, especially if your using iMovie.

That Ricci guy doesn’t happen to be related to Jason Ricci does he?

If you want some help making a video around Spring Break or whatever let me know I would love to help out! I’m not all that great but took video in high school for two years and am very interested in it and cars.

I liked the radio dial style audio and descent editing but not much else.

im down for any help, and no he isnt related to jason ricci haha. um going into this i had a really negative attitude seeing as how i didnt get to film my short film i had originally planned, it would have appealed to everyone ALOT more than this did, but i had to do something. i did all the filming for it in one day, and the editing i spent about 2hrs on. i will try to get the orginal short film i had planned, out during spring break.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not really bustin your balls. just giving you some constructive criticism because I think you have talent! Keep up the good work, I can’t wait to see what you can do with final cut!

i know u are, ur the one that i always looked forward to seeing what u would say. i pretty much posted this up, knowing what everyone was going to say before they said it. haha im am going to try my hardest to fill in all those errors i keep having in my videos, i do appreciate all the criticism though, it helps me strive to do better next time

Good shit, Mike. Others have already said what I was going to, it was the same cars, but the editing is there. Maybe we can get a profile of my car when I bring it back down.

any time. you know where im at just lmk

That dvd still kicks ass 4 years later !

the only thing i would complain about is the dark shots, maybe its just my screen but there seemed to be a need of more lighting, well that and the name the whole shokr thing seems a bit played out to me but thats just my 2 cents and who the fuck am i