Should Bush Be Impeached?


i want to hear you guys who still support bush, i want to know why you support him? everyone is real good at “fucking liberal :picard:” but lets hear your reasoning behind supporting bush and the war on oi…terror… please enlighten me one more time as to why we are in iraq? i agree sadam was a terrible man, but please show me justification for the war we are in right now.

instead of playing the “im right, you’re wrong” game from fourth grade, how about you debate it like an adult. i am not saying i am right and my views are perfect… i will take a look from another stand point but you need to make a case…

i am probably wasting my time… an intellectual debate on here would probably go over just as well as bush in a spelling bee…


^ Do a search, this has been debated 100 times. I’m not getting into it again simply because you can’t do a search.