Should I be at fault?

Move to drama please

Okay so about 2 months ago I made a trade with multisyngs friend for his convertible. I traded a chassis as well as my black coupe for it. Now this guy was supposed to take the car off of the place i store my cars and I pay for. He was supposed to do this all in a week. He ended up taking it two months later even though i called him everyday for 3 weeks to take it with no success. Now heres where things get nasty. There were parts in the car that were his. they were SR specific and someone has taken random parts from the car. he left the car outside of a storage facility where many people from son have gone. He is blaming me for taking these parts which are worth much less than the convertible tonnou cover that he was supposed to give me as it is super rare and his is in mint condition. Now im not getting the parts that i was promised and have got threatening pms from this user sr_s13

So son im wondering should I be at fault because he didnt take a car for 2 months. and things go missing out of it? when so many people have gone up there? I have been more than helpful to this member but he seems to have it stuck in his head that it was me. And i have absolutely no use for it as I have a ka24de? If i did have it why wouldn’t i give it to him as the cover is worth so much more money? He has sent me threating pms and here is one. I never said i had it and told him to take the car many times.

I did not take it from the car. But he seems to think i did. I dont see why he is threating me and is acting very juvenile about everything. I dont see how this could be my fault as he never took the car. Anyone could have taken the it from the car and many people have been up there. He seems hellbent on revenge for something i did not do. Good thing I have police officer who lives next door then eh.
After the sale the responsibility to take his belongings was his. The fact that I called him many times to see if he actually did it was good on my part. I have been more than reasonable with this user. Because he didnt take his parts when expected now im losing out on a very rare and expensive cover for the convertible section of my car.

Originally Posted by sr_s13
UMMMMMMMMM its sitting in my garage come get and bring me the ecu and harnes and dont play games cuz dude its not that hard to find white silvia in markham i am not trying to threat you but if it comes down to iti am glad i wrote your house street name on paper so stop fucking around you got that

ok crsbb,

He is a straight immigrant and sucks with english / spelling / expressing himself.

He is jsut bent out of shape because I took the SR20DET for davey,
the motor was missing a few things: ecu, harness, ignitor.
the convertible was missing the cover thingy.

I know for a fact he has the cover thingy,
the question is where is the other stuff?

I can care less about where people live, or who knows who,
or what not.

sr_s13 is just stressed because I’'ve been harassing him for weeks to go get that coupe and the parts for me,

either way

it fazes me on why someone would take a harness, ecu, and other small things when they could have taken the bigger things like the racing seats or whatever?

try to let me know about that other stuff

he has no need for that cover thingy,
ignore his lack of respect.

you may be missing a very rare expensive cover for the converitble section

but honestly, the harness, ecu, and ignitor can cost a pretty penny as well…
and thats coming out of my pocket, and i was garantee’d it was a full motorwhen when its not.

im not here to argue, im just trying to clear up the beef issue

I see where you are coming from. He told me everything was stolen out of the car. So i assume the racing seat is gone aswell. Yeah i see where you are coming from and if i had the harness and ecu i would have given it to him as the cover is worth more. The motorset was complete and i showed him everything and have witnesses for it. Again i have no need for that stuff at all i have a ka24de and if i was to go turbo again i would go ka-t as i have owned both sr and ka-t. I know this must be a piss off but i just plainly did not take it. I dont take kindly to being threatened for somthing i did not do and furthermore I even kept telling him to take the car. If i wanted to rob him why wouldnt i just not tell him not take it? The fact of the matter is i did not take it. Stuff got stolen its not my fault. I wanted everything gone asap. So now im losing out on a very expensive rare piece for somthing i did not do. As much as that sucks im not threatning him that if he doesnt give it to me then i will find his car and i know where he lives. So now for his loss i assume he is going to sell the top on ebay or somthing and make good money for it to buy back his harness and ecu and I loose the cover I did nothing to loose.

At any point of time, WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT OR WRONG, you feel that you or your property is threatened with whatever or it is in danger you should NOTIFY POLICE immediately.

This is how I would look at it, few scenarios to look at:

  1. If you have some sort of prove (eg. sales slip, witnesses), while this car being outside of your property (!) for 2 months and parts got missing - then it is not your problem, because you had reason to believe that you are no longer have part of ownership of the car or anything to do with it and you cant be responsible for something that doesnt not belong to you.
    Whoever makes claims that something has gone missing, they should not be addressing this to you, but they should be blaming them self for not properly safeguarding their property, and/or they should notify police about theft, and have police to start looking for the thief.

  2. If that car being outside of your property (!), where you remained the legal owner of it and have no prove that it was not yours, then you fail to safeguard and preserve whatever may happen with it. Then you should come to new terms with the potential new owner.
    In other words, if the car was not picked up on time, you are still responsible for it and whatever happens to it, unless you have something to prove with that on a certain date it leaves your ownership and starts new ownership with someone else.

okay I don’t really understand what’s going on. So who should we blame and who’s the bad guy here?

i guess really no one is the bad guy

the guy who owned the vert after me is a uki
shift nissan wants the cover thingy
d_240 wants the ignitor and harness / ecu.

convertible boy owes shift nissan stuff that he has0
shift nissan owes convertible boy stuff that he no longer has.

its just a run around
no beefs
no bad guys
just weirdness

Yes i have a bill of sale for everything from 2 months ago showing that he took legal ownership of it. he signed it, i signed it as well as two witness’s who were there at the time who signed it.

and basically, you should have kept the vert,

So, you sold some items that are not yours and you have a prove, this means you cant responsible for items that you sold and no longer yours.

Do you have his name and/or address?
Take him to court for the money or items you are owned (if you’re owned something).