Siezed threading - nto sure howto go about it


Lemme start off by saying i’ve dealt with enough stripped screws and threads, but this one is a bit different and i’d like some quick opinions on howto go about it.

I was removing the driveshaft and the hanger/carrier bearing thing (whatever its called) one bolt of the 2 came out with no problems. The other side on the other hand, did not. It’s spinning in place and very tough to spin, which leads me to believe that the bolt isn’t stripped, but rather the threading inside the chassis/metal w/e.

What can I do that will retain these bolts. because realistically i need to reuse them.

if the threading inside is stripped then your really fucked there man…
but use a torch get it red hot and it should come out no probs.

That’s what I thought, I’m really fucked.

I’ll torch it out tommorow. Thanks man, let’s keep our fibngers crossed I’m wrong and its just the bolt thats stripped.

in the worst case that the inside is stripped, just slightly bore it out a bit and tap it something more convenient and slightly larger too. but make sure you don’t strip it again haha.

get a aluminum driveshaft



i’ve had this happen with the tranny mount bolts, what works most of the time is prying down on the mount, away from the underbody to put some strain on the bolt so it tries to grab new threads, then turn it. it has saved me a lot of headaches in the past.

a 1 piece was in my plan, and may still be.

I’ll try prying it first tommorow. Then torching it. I was also thinking of re-threading it, but then the new bolts i would have to get wouldnt fit through the carrier bearing mount and then i’d have to bore that and blah blah blah, just a pain.

thanks for the input guys.

If the threads are all fucked up, you could helicoil it.

For getting it out though, prying would be the first thing to try, then heating it up, but thats a PITA. good luck =/.

does that mean to tap it in the opposite direction?

No. You buy them. They’re helicoils. They basically restore the threads so you can re-tap them and have a clean thread.

if its just a nut that ia welded to the cross member chissle it off and get a new grade 8 nut and bolt and remount it that way

I agree with whoever said to try to pry and unbolt at the same time. Dan, that is probably your best bet. I’d try that first.

is it actually a threaded hole? i forget. maybe its just a nut welded on the back of the sheet metal. if so the nut probably broke free and its just spinning. you could try holding the nut from the back with some vicegrips or the appropriate wrench. helicoils are a pita, they are usually just a temporary fix. try ez-lok or recoils for a more permanent fix, bot are also available in stainless.

Torch ftmfw! There’s nothing that I haven’t been able to take off with an oxy torch. Just heat the area around it until it glows, then crank it off.

^ if it was seized, torch all the way… but im guessing he stripped the inner housing… prying it down while turning is your best bet… if u cant pry the mount, get a vice grip on there and pull and turn at the same time… if u want u might be able to use a socket and press hard to the right whle turning it may catch…
best of luck to you man… i hope your not fucked and forced to cut out the section and reweld in a new peice (some of the mounts are tapped into solid steel peices… so the only repair is cut out the steel and replace with an exact copy off a parts car…

judging your in thornhill call up Simplemind7 for a parts car to hack up and Draggone to arange some welding if need be…
dont know if brendens got a grinder or not… i guess youll look around after u see the damage… hope its not that fargone…

one more quick fix maybe… take the bolt to home hardware get the exact same length but a stage thicker in self tapping screw/bolt and use a good socket or impact wrench to go threw the bracket and into the steel… then remove and put everything back together properly.

I’ve been really busy yesterday and today, I’m going to try and do something with this now. I doubt it’s fargone to the point where I will need to cut and weld. If so, somebody come get this chassis now haha. Or I’ll be forced into buy a 1-piece.

I’m confident with a bit of trying and force and obviously tribulation (heh) it’ll come out.

Thanks again everyone!

hey man… just to let you know… take the drive shaft into a machine shop… tell them to cut the yolks and to make you a one peice…
will be a fuck of a lot cheaper and nicer then one picked out of a catalog… thats what i did and with a discount got an ally one peice for $300

cant go wrong there… cant imagine it be too much more anymore else without a discount…
p.s. they balance it and everything proper

Well, turning it while pulling on the hanger didn’t work very well…
So my next step is to torch it, i assume? I have a propane torch, will this work? Where do I heat it… not ON the bolt i assume, but around it? Problem is, the hanger gets in the way… Any more help or advice is much appreciated, this is REALLY pissing me off.

torch won’t do it, it sounds like the nut has broke free from the sheet metal and is just spinning inside. IIRC you can’t access the other side to grab the nut with vice grips either…

first 2 options that come to mind are:

  1. cut shit until it’s out and get a one peice driveshaft
  2. cut a hole beside where the bolt goes in, big enough that you can fit vice grips in and grab the bolt, then take it out.

good luck.