Sightings Thread

Not always true… There are plenty of situations in vehicles that you can not avoid but can prepare for what is about to happen. I was only going about 15 mph, I was not Tailgating was just taking a turn and Was paying more than enough attention… how about next time you try asking for more details before assuming…

There was a BMW and a Mercedes next to me on the right and the truck that cut her off along with oncoming traffic on my left I couldn’t get anywhere and by the time i Could swerve to avoid her meaning when the BMW and Mercedes were gone I was able to hit her with the driver front instead of my entire front end so I’d say I did a pretty damn good job of paying attention and trying to avoid it.

Now her on the other hand she freaked out (like a typical woman driver) when he cut her off and slammed on the breaks meaning she didn’t slowly break giving me more time instead she came to a complete hault in seconds with no warning and even admidited she was not paying attention to anythign other than the truck that cut her off and apologized to me for it…