Sightings Thread

Ive never heard of them before and was surprised to see them in a dumpy ass hick town

passed Love4Boost or at least his 3 series on 90 west between 24 and 25 around 6:20 this evening.

Greenwich isn’t that bad jellies .

its ok for a small town I suppose but the Kmart blows. I stopped in there today and they dont have much shit in there at all compared to the Clifton Park or Colonie stores.


Yeah Kmart is the worst.

but that one blows more then.

And John I see your old truck (your brother’s) quite a bit lately.

Kmart’s a joke.

i like greenwich i got a cruise in there once and awhile and theres a massive junkyard there

Where ya seeing it ?

Lowe’s in Colonie (guessing he works there)
Kmart in CP
today off exit 8
and a few times on 146 in CP

The owner of whalen Chevy is my best friends uncle and he is disabled so he invented this vehicle so that disabled people can get in and out in there own so they depend less on other people

thats what its for? I was thinking it was some kind of electric vehicle or something like that.


His buds uncle, who’s disabled, invented a purpose built mobility vehicle to assist people with disabilities and it is now sold through the dealership he owns. What are you confused about?

Honestly Im kinda surprised that the owner of a small town car dealer is able to design and manufacture his own line of cars and get them to pass all government regulations and shit like that.

Yeah I forgot who makes it. I know it’s not Chevy but good for him. I think it’s an outstanding idea and definitely give him props for it he is a very intelligent man

AM General manufactures it, the guys that make Hummers and shit.

I thinks it’s some MVP company actually it’s weird you may be right but for some reason I thinks it’s a company I’ve never heard of
