Sightings Thread

I wanna see that. The thunder song part had me DYIN when I saw the trailer. Or the part where he’s rattling off the names of girls :lol


How was it? Going to see it tonight.

In all honesty its not bad , its typical Seth mcfairlane humor lol . Once ya get over the family guy voices in the movie its good .

$100 will definitely change your future. Nice find.

seen some pretty ricey shit up in ticonderoga.

holy shit, i saw fagalero going north on 87 around exit 17 the other day in the e30…

Nooooooooo , ya didn’t pit manuver him ??? R u gettin soft on us now man ?

Haven’t laughed that hard in AWHILE. One of the few movies I don’t regret seeing in theaters.

Haha perfect! I’m pumped

psh, i was going south, he was going north otherwise i DEF woulda got in front of him and SLAMMEDD on my brakes. lol


saw sarge on rt 9 in the cobra

This parked in the best buy lot after seeing Ted. Definitely a funny ass movie

Saw a real nice silver Terminator Cobra, low with back wheels near my work yesterday

silver with black wheels is suchhh a nice combo. was it sarge? his wheels kinda look dark

saw a black 4 door e36 on sawblades (im pretty sure they were) going down i90 towards albany about to hit traffic the other day

isee that s4 at planet fitness in eg

Movie was awesome, your son had me rolling through the hole movie Lol

Look at who his father is lol

This thing is on StanceNations FB page now, whoever owns it lol.