Sightings Thread

Thanks! that was me, you wouldn’t happen to be driving a black wrx hatch with red wheels?


looks good I always eye that thing while driving past the truck center

b7 dolphin grey s4 on 87

Ronnie McDonnie

Was a nice day yesterday. As I was sitting in bumper to bumper traffic at 5:00 on central ave enjoying the sights.

I was stopped, along with 1000000 other cars, opposing lane there were about 30 cars at a red light, and I see a kid on a red R6 with his arms off the bars, stretching his back as he approached at about 20mph… musta had his eyes closed for miles and didn’t notice EVERYONE AHEAD OF HIM STOPPED… at the last second he saw it reached down, grabbed a handful of front brake, locked up the front tire just about tucked it, never pulled in the clutch and stood on the rear brake stalling the bike while he was about to pile into the back of the parked car’s trunk, pulled in the clutch got off the front brake and split the lane with a stalled out bike. Defiantly would have ended up on the roof of the car with a totaled bike. Got my heart racing as I watched it all happen.

First day of nice weather and the retards are out!

The retards are always out. They just start playing with more dangerous toys right around now.

Brand new Dolphin Gray RS5 on 90 this morning. While it’s not the best color for the car, it still looks sick.

Black gtr with black wheels at the car wash on 9 @ 20 ok eg last night as I was washing the caddy. Driving down to FL for a few days of relaxation figured I’d wash the filthy thing

Saw nick in the R driving down central

Saw SRS on Broadway hill in Schenectady around 6:20…Beeped twice, car looks good man

OH shit you were beepin at me. I thought it was the car behind me and flipped them off LOL.

Just wait a couple weeks car is going to look 100x different

Had to take it to CRC so they could fixed a bungled ball joint job

Fairly certain I saw a girl driving a silver Integra with a shocker sticker on the bumper on Central yesterday. :rofl

I guess if your looking for double penetration teggy bitches is where it’s at

Saw AVB on central around 7, Car looks good dude

:rofl, I was in the dumpy red civic going down the hill

Thanks man

Slammed green Intergra with IIRC white wheels on Consault yesterday morning @ 8am.


That was me