Sightings Thread

Just like a woman.

Gotta keep em in line!

seemed like a mini meet at the gym tonight. Me, AVB, CFD and 94gt50 all there at once.

Who jerked who?

hard to tell when youre all wearing blindfolds and spinning around in a circle

saw pjb cruising in the new tundra today, looks good dude!

Yeah you really need to update your sig. I don’t even wanna know what your car payment looks like, but sometimes you just need to splurge and get yourself a nice birthday present.


congrats on the new rig!

“Treet is a canned meat product, similar to Spam, that is marketed by Pinnacle Foods”

hes gonna use his CANNED MEAT lol

Just saw what looked like an older Altima (late 90s style) with an STi looking wing on it bombing thru my apartment complex. Was super jellies as he revved it past my dog and I.

silver Ford Explorer hearse on route 9 in CP tonight.

Black S2k, looked lowered on black wheels with a aftermarket roll bar that resembled the one that JSE has. It was on I90 around 5pm yesterday.

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that’d be me

Car looked good,I’ll blow the air horn next time and scare the shit outta you.

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What brand do you have? I want to put those in my truck

I was in my Peterbilt work truck.

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oh haha

that’s actually pretty funny because usually when I pass trucks I give them the “air horn sign”. always makes my day

I thought I was the only one over the age of 12 who did this still. Good to know I’m not alone.

convertible makes it extra fun lol

Nice! I have to lean out the window like a goon. Or convince my girlfriend to do it from the passenger seat.